_Movie Remakes.

Mar 1, 2006

They never turn out good. Heres just a few upcoming remakes
-Rosemary's Baby
-Friday The 13th
-A Nightmare on Elm Street
-The Birds
(Michael Bay is attached to those
) and a couple more I can't thinkof

So what do you think of them? any ones you've liked? or think did the original justice?
Hate em!

The only remake I've ever liked was War of the Worlds. The 1st was a classic, but this remake was
All Films are remakes in some shape or form
All been done before...The next new thing is to combine genres

OP sick Avy by the way is that Steel drinkin Juice in "Juice"
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

And now they're remaking Hulk this summer. It's as if they're trying to get everyone to forget how bad the 2003 version was.

At least this one looks promising. I'm glad it got the revamp that the Batman series did.
OP sick Avy by the way is that Steel drinkin Juice in "Juice"

Thanks, lol I think I know that movie word for word.
Why are they doing a Hulk restart already? The last one just came out in 03 and I thought it was pretty good...
I can enjoy some remakes (Cape Fear,The Thing, I am Legend{I'm going to be hated for saying that})

But Street Fighter desperately needs one. C'mon Ang Lee
I heard Amityville remake was good.. never got around to watching it

Departed was pretty good (OG Japanese ver is better though)

My Sassy Girl, the white version is gonna suck I think
--I heard they were remaking Escape from New York but with Gerard Butler (Leonidas from 300) as Snake Plissken...Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. arecult classics...hopefully they dont mess it up...
--Another remake I heard about was RoboCop. But RoboCop is perfect the way it is. One of my favorites growing up. You cant improve on soemthing so great.
Whenever people talk about things like this I never take them valid. While I'll admit most remakes are bad, all of them aren't. Alot of people just getmad because they saw the o.g when they were a kid. Everything is better when your 10. I really liked the last couple of Star wars(Not a remake just somethingto prove my point). At the time they were ground breaking and were probably the best movies out, but I still think that the last one was that piff Young VaderVs. You Obi come on man that battle killed every battle in the old ones then Darth Vs. Qui jon and Obi Wan Vs. General Greivous(?). Sorry for the rant I justhate when some of the older guys and some of the younger people who want to seem cool bash the newer movies with "It's not as good as theoriginal" Oh and I say the OG. "I am Legends" They don't touch the new ones...Fresh Prince *****
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Whenever people talk about things like this I never take them valid. While I'll admit most remakes are bad, all of them aren't. Alot of people just get mad because they saw the o.g when they were a kid. Everything is better when your 10. I really liked the last couple of Star wars(Not a remake just something to prove my point). At the time they were ground breaking and were probably the best movies out, but I still think that the last one was that piff Young Vader Vs. You Obi come on man that battle killed every battle in the old ones then Darth Vs. Qui jon and Obi Wan Vs. General Greivous(?). Sorry for the rant I just hate when some of the older guys and some of the younger people who want to seem cool bash the newer movies with "It's not as good as the original" Oh and I say the OG. "I am Legends" They don't touch the new ones...Fresh Prince *****

I hear you, it's like people saying it's not as good as the book and what not. There are some I like but seeing that Michael Bay is producing about4-5 different old movies that imo doesn't really need to be redone makes me mad. I feel the same about sequels too (especially the _____ Movie franchise),I'm in film school and aspiring to be in the business and seeing that some of these movies get the green light and thousands of people never have a chanceto show their talent sucks.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Worst movie remake of all time: Scarface
Not the worst remake of all time, but I agree it was a poor interpretation of the original by Howard Hawks from the 30's.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--I heard they were remaking Escape from New York but with Gerard Butler (Leonidas from 300) as Snake Plissken...Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. are
cult classics...hopefully they dont mess it up...

--Another remake I heard about was RoboCop. But RoboCop is perfect the way it is. One of my favorites growing up. You cant improve on soemthing so great.

Yeah, i don't know about RoboCop. Leave that alone. But Escape from New York sounds promising if Gerard Butler is in it.
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