A-Rod Expresses His Appreciation For Derek Jeter's Butt Cheeks

Originally Posted by bkmac

While everyone in the game thread took notice of A-Rod, I only noticed Matsui fist pumping, mad funny
How is this any different than what Kobe does? The guy is just intense, determined, and passionate.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

How is this any different than what Kobe does? The guy is just intense, determined, and passionate.
So now Kobe has made his way into baseball threads? Common. Can ya dudes on here go 1 day without talkin about Kobe.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

How is this any different than what Kobe does?

It's way different. Kobe at least has the decency to go to 1st base, not just straight to 2nd.

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