About to throw "damaged" goods on ebay, do this correctly?

May 26, 2003
I`m about to sell an iPhone 4 that my boy thought didn't work, but I did a reset on it and it seems the speaker actually does work ( he couldnt hear people during calls, I didnt activate it after resetting, I just dialed out and could hear the operator, so the speaker does work.) And the liquid indicator looks pink from humidity.

Now I want to sell this informing the buyer that the indicator is pink, but the speaker I can't promise will work even though it worked for me so far. How can I do this?
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

put it in the description and put in bold that it's being sold as-is, no refunds?

I've seen worst phones go for good prices, but this bad boy is a week old, and really only thing iffy is if the speaker will continue to be good after its activated.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Just make sure that you put that in the ad and make it clear

Put that its being sold As Is or what? The condition is perfect besides pink indicator, and the speaker worked perfectly for me.
Since its 100% profit anyway just sell it for pretty cheap and let them no and no refunds
If the speakers working don't mention that. Put as is in the tittle & mention the water damage in the description.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Since its 100% profit anyway just sell it for pretty cheap and let them no and no refunds

naw I copped it from him for 150. cause I've seen worse condition ones go for 300.

Should've haggled him down to like $80.

You most likely won't be making a huge profit on an As-Is phone.
Originally Posted by Gordonson


Should've haggled him down to like $80.

You most likely won't be making a huge profit on an As-Is phone.

I mean Worst case I got an Ipod touch, and the purpose wasnt to make a million bucks, but to make a profit even if its 50 bucks.
Just make sure you put that in the description and let it be know that it is known as is.

Mark it as no refunds/no returns
That's not true. You'll make a profit. Specify in your listing each and every flaw, and you're good. It's not necessary to mark as "For parts".
I sold a phone akin to yours, the guy filed a claim because he didn't read the listing, and paypal sided for me.

sell it "for parts"

say it has a pink strip might have gotten wet (cause honestly it did) , but (name the parts that still work) work
Go to the Craigslist "Wanted" ads. There are LOTS of ads for wanted broken phones. Yours is just defected so I'm sure they'd pay for what it's worth.

I sold my old, beat up iPhone 3GS on Craigslist for $140 to cut down the price on getting the 4S. Beyond satisfied.
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