Adidas ORIGINALS updates

Can anyone tell me what top ten this is? Like the exact colorway. I can’t find it anywhere

Adidas Top Ten Supreme

The Top Ten Supremes were designed as a more modern performance version of the well known Adidas Top Tens. They featured a leather upper, adiprene cushioning for the midsole, and adidas torsion for added stability. They have yet to receive a retro release, so the only available pairs are from the original release.​

I'm convinced Adidas thinks their Archives are poisonous or something. And maybe it's too late at this point. They have some fire back catalog but they refuse to touch it like Darling Nikki when Prince became a Jehovah's Witness. Either that, or they wait too late to to release them like with the Kid Cudi Torsion Artillery that would have went off in the early 2010s when Jeremy Scott was bringing them attention. I don't get it. They only have a handful of retros that they have treated with reverence and respect and those virtually never leave the market. I'd definitely buy these, especially being in Michigan.
Hope they don't shipped moldy af.

Btw anyone peeped that price point for the Samba italia pair?
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