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Got through with the direct link page. Took alot of finagling with the website before I could cart. Logged in to lock my pair in, and then had to keep pressing to get to the final checkout screen and still got the spinning circle of death. Got the smart idea to finish checkout on Chrome mobile instead of my phone instead of Desktop and mobile Safari. Went through like cake. As long as your size is in your cart and keeps saying "In Stock" believe it and try until it doesn't say "In Stock". Thanks for the person who shared the direct link. Was going to try to get a second pair but I think the link is fixed now and leading back to the waiting page. This is a lot of steps for shoes SMH.
If you are getting 0, it means they are all currently in someones cart.

If you are stuck in the cart loop, try copying and pasting the link into a new tab.

If you payment doesnt process, enable pop ups and try again in a new tab.

It you are now trying to script and getting 0, good luck, cause everyone else is too.

If you didnt get past the flash screen, you need to start using the script.

I unforunately got to the payment screen and had the "payment processing now" error, it never went through, but the time i realized there was a fix(one of the above) it was too late, the flood gates were open with SM tweet of the client/site/duplicate

If you are getting access denied, it's time to give up.

and if u cant add 2 bag?
This is crazy. All this and I never got past the splash screen. Gave up on the direct link and now it's working though patched. This is just trash.
and if u cant add 2 bag?

Cause you are getting 0s with the script or did you get past the splash page?

Most likely you cant add because it's in everyone else cart(stuck on payment processing)

I didnt cook during this script cause I had to go pick up my confirmed pay. Just trying to past the knowledge.

Remember to thank SM.
This happened to me three times on one card. Weird thing is I kept trying with the same card and it eventually worked.

i'm already up to 2k pending on one card alone :lol:
not sure if i want to keep going
Just FYI, pairs are moving slowing. Keep trying! Checkout seems to be the real bottleneck. Over 900 in inventory.
If you searched yeezy or brown on early or used the direct link, you were able to bypass the splash page, add to cart and checkout.


Pretty refreshing to see "some" people obtain these without using a script or bot.

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