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For the Flight Club prices... couldn't they be dropping per the request of the person who is selling them (the person who took them to FC)?

Flight Club doesn't mandate the prices, do they?  I thought they "suggested" prices, but they left it up to the seller (within reason)?
For the Flight Club prices... couldn't they be dropping per the request of the person who is selling them (the person who took them to FC)?

Flight Club doesn't mandate the prices, do they?  I thought they "suggested" prices, but they left it up to the seller (within reason)?
yes probably, but fc doesn't take your pair if you don't agree to their price or certain shoes they don't take anyway. Also it depends who you talk to when dropping your kicks of, some employees won't take a pair that someone else will
What happened to genuinely liking sneakers for how they looked? if they restock, who cares? It's not going to destroy the sneakers silhouette.
For the Flight Club prices... couldn't they be dropping per the request of the person who is selling them (the person who took them to FC)?

Flight Club doesn't mandate the prices, do they?  I thought they "suggested" prices, but they left it up to the seller (within reason)?

Flight club themselves don't lower prices, they do it at the request of the owner of the shoes.

That's where all the undercutting comes from and fluctuation of prices on the website.

They're going to give you a suggested price because they don't want you to bring the shoes in at above market price to just sit and take up real estate, they want to move product ASAP.

I've had them suggest both a lower price and higher price from my original consignment price offerings.
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For the Flight Club prices... couldn't they be dropping per the request of the person who is selling them (the person who took them to FC)?

Flight Club doesn't mandate the prices, do they?  I thought they "suggested" prices, but they left it up to the seller (within reason)?
They only accept their "suggested" prices. If you go higher they deny your request to consign.
Should I go for the hoodie or for the t-shirt? Does anyone have any idea what the T-shirt might look like?
Adidas supposedly tweeted and quickly deleted this

My guess is this could be fake though
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Seeing as their last tweet was 9 hours ago, I highly doubt they tweeted that and deleted it before more than one person could screen shot it. Yeezytalk is full of trolls.
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