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I can dig it. I never was a fan of em but have always heard of the hype/resell prices that folks pay. That is one thing I just find simply amazing. No wonder the resellers got made in this thread when they learn more pairs were dropping. But I respect what you said. We all work for something either it be cars, guns, shoes, video games, etc. I was just shell shocked to see the price so high and people still want em is all.
Yea I would have liked to pay retail, but just a few days ago I got swindled on ebay with a 2015 pair they tried to tell me were legit and they were UA's, compared to what I paid for those, securing a legit 2016 pair, the difference wasn't terrible. Obviously these guys with connects have put in more time building those relationships and doing the leg work, and for me not having to worry if they're legit, that's all rolled into what I was willing to pay.
No, if you don't pay for a premium bot it'll most likely be trash anyway. People who have expensive bots aren't hitting pairs consistently(Some not at all). Don't let your thirst get the best of you.

I don't use bots don't believe in paying money for the chance to pay more money
Well this is going to be nothing but order questions all day smh........

Give it a day or panic Monday no one in here can really help you. Are we CS reps are we adidas corporate sheesh
Yea I would have liked to pay retail, but just a few days ago I got swindled on ebay with a 2015 pair they tried to tell me were legit and they were UA's, compared to what I paid for those, securing a legit 2016 pair, the difference wasn't terrible. Obviously these guys with connects have put in more time building those relationships and doing the leg work, and for me not having to worry if they're legit, that's all rolled into what I was willing to pay.
Where did you get them? lol I keep offering on here for someone to sell me a size 11 and I got nothing. 
Did Confirmed or anywhere else work out for you ?
Confirmed and Adidas. 
am I trippen or did I see a tweet from adidas saying that they were gonna release PBs on sat today as well? 
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