ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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Rocked the PB's for my short trip to NYC 

i cringed
I was like 10 - 15 ppl ahead of you. I respect that you stood up for yourself, you did nothing wrong. We put in the time and for someone to cut is plain disrespectful. I had a similar situation like 20 minutes before your incident and just plainly didn't move. He noticed I wasn't budging and stayed behind me. I don't understand how the people behind me just let him cut the line but whatever.
I appreciate the support fam, with all that negative energy around me it's nice to know someone that witnessed it knew who was right and who was in the wrong. I am not confrontational and try to always avoid that situation, but when push comes to shove...well you already know. 
That's what makes zero sense, what kind of pansie dudes are letting these idiots cut the line. Ok, im from CLT, had a very good upbringing, but ill be cotdamn if im gonna let a dude skip me. Dude will learn quick what a concealed license means, real quick...
You'd be surprised how many pansie dudes let all these line cutter infiltrate - it's really surprising and some of these dudes have decent build and don't speak up for themselves. Somtimes it;s just teenagers or women so you can't blame them, but i was shocked at how many grown men stay quiet.
That's what makes zero sense, what kind of pansie dudes are letting these idiots cut the line. Ok, im from CLT, had a very good upbringing, but ill be cotdamn if im gonna let a dude skip me. Dude will learn quick what a concealed license means, real quick...
you'd pull a gun on someone who cuts in line for a CHANCE at some shoes?
Put in my name at Champs and Shiekh on Market street. Pacsun's is tomorrow for some reason and I missed adidas.

2 tickets, 4 devices on release day. I'm gonna manual the **** out of these shoes
Well. They're inducing labor now. Good news is the Wi-Fi at this hospital is better than my Verizon boost at home lol

As long as little man doesn't come at 5am-9am on Tuesday, I got a chance

Healthy baby boy first, yeezys close second

Lol (thank god my lady isn't on niketalk)
congrats my man here's to a healthy baby! hope you can cook tho!
there will always be line cutters. the worst is being a female, having guys cut you, then get in your face when you call them out. straight savages.

these hyped releases bring out the absolute worst in ppl.
What I don't understand is why they try to make a scene for a raffle ticket. It's not even on some FCFS basis. It's still random, chances won't increase or decrease. I usually let one or two guys rock but after that I just cut the line myself or act like a dickhead to those dudes who don't know how to stand in a line.
If waiting an hour plus for a raffle ticket is not a wake up call then I got low hope for you [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Chocolate 750s will be boutique only like moonrocks
My dude said he got me if the chocolate 750's release hopefully he ain't playing me
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