Age is just a number, mature cougers on the loose.

Mar 3, 2012

My husband told me to get 

a boob job and a toyboy after he died. He’d be proud of me now. Phil’s a great lover and I can’t get enough of him

Great-gran Joan Lloyd, 66, on relationship 

that spans 38-year age gap

“We also play games of domino and go out walking. She’s amazing and I want to spend all my time with her. It’s like my mum says, age is just a number.

“I want to stay with Joan forever. There are plenty of kids around, so I’m not worried about not being able to have kids of our own.





 the before pic
What in heavens name.....The implants do not help to distract from her face much but to each their own. Age does matter by the way.
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

What in heavens name.....The implants do not help to distract from her face much but to each their own. Age does matter by the way.
exactly. Her face looks like

 If u cover her face with a paper bag she still looks the same
the funny thing is you know 99% of you thirst bucket nters would still smash. stop fronting.
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

What in heavens name.....The implants do not help to distract from her face much but to each their own. Age does matter by the way.

Look like her eyes about to start bleeding

******* gotta be all square like those +@!%!#$ on naughty america back in the day...
If dude is getting his bills paid and getting bj's with the dentures out... More power to him
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