It didn't read like that at all.
A bunch of people struck out.
Yesterday a bunch of people were saying they missed out and you still had people ignoring them and saying looks like everyone ate. Then you had people posting they won three and more. That has to be frustrating if you didn't get one pair.
And then this board has this attitude if you didn't win you didn't try. A lot of people are just lucky to be in a FTL reserve area where they can get them easily because not everyone in their area is on it yet.
If you weren't able to try on SNKRS exactly at 10, there's a good chance you didn't get a pair.
Some people have life, work or kids. I don't understand how other adults can't see why people missed out and then want to rub it in their faces. That's NT in 2016 though. Because in 2006 before they have supposed resell value people would have offered up pairs or tried to help out. The buying and selling rule wasn't always in affect, but resellers and scammers ruined that.
He probably responded to you, because you like to brag about how many pairs of the same sneaker you got. Many of us chalk it up to that being your personality, but others can take it differently.