Air Jordan Six Rings Black/Red (Video)

Originally Posted by icecold1980

Originally Posted by Stoj23


I think you are making a fool of yourself by speaking before thinking.

This dude has clearly stated (in most of his videos) that he is new to the game and not an authority. Big deal if he calls the arch fake. I think some are just jealous of this dude, leave the dude alone!

Anyways, Sneekgeekz, keep it up bro, I personally love what you do and always look forward to them. How could you not, I mean, it gives everyone a chance to see early releases.
well said
I didnt have a GIF for triple jk icecold no offense
dude must have nevr seen a pair of 8s a day n his life...good vid but no that sneaker is doo doo and the air holes n the patent leather makes me dislike demeven more each time i see them
This was one of the first videos I had a NEGATIVE comment for Sneakgeeks. I am a new collector as well and I can understand his enthusiasm and excitement overnew shoes. But yeah these 6 rings...are garbage. I guess my real question to Sneakgeeks is...what is/are his criteria for collecting? We all have ourreasons.

Is it
- to have every jordan ever made
- to regain lost childhood
- appreciate the greatest player ever
- to flip and make money

the list goes on. As for me, it is to regain some of my lost childhood on shoes I never got a chance to own when they came out. I am old enough to have seenMJ play...and win the 6 championships. I have family in Chicago so I was in town when he won a few of these championships, it was awesome to be in the citywhen the bulls just won. My criteria is what motivates what I buy. That is why I dont run out and buy everything. Even if I could afford it.

So...I ask what is his? Is he collecting just for collecting sake? E-stardom? It seems he has no rhyme or reason, whatever is new and JORDAN he gets. Iwont go and take a stab at his personal business. He can do what he wants with his money, but collecting shoes for no reason other than to be semi loved onthe internet is kinda weird and hypebeasty....

Whatever...back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Anyone know release dates for any of the colorways?
I only see the women's ones that are coming in a few months.
still a pass. Congrats on the shoe. Which makes me think the only reason you buy these shoes and pay the expensive tag is to post em up on youtube for everyoneto see. And they get envious, and you love the attention and jealousy it creates. Heck, you even love the hate you cause. You are an attention *%@#%. You evenadmit that you don't know much about Air Jordans. Why not start learning more, instead of investing your hard earned money into resellers, so you haveshoes before its intended release date. Wow you have the shoes before others have em. Big deal. Man, you know you can spend your money more wisely than that,but you just want to post em up on youtube so quickly so you can get the attention you stive for.

Like I said hypebeast shoe, and the person who bought this shoe and posted it on youtube, while not knowing the history of the shoe, only further proves mypoint that this is a hypebeast shoe. The majority of buyers will be hypebeasts, you know you can't argue with me, cuz I'm right on this one.

It also seems like the new-age collectors are defending this sneekgeekz, while the older heads are hating on him. Go figure. But it's ironic that he'snot young.
thanks for the sneakpeak. it was better than the nelly video, but I'm still not a fan of the shoe.
Hey thanks for the sneak preview sneakgeekz... just keep doing your thang and ignore what the haters say is all i gotta say
this sneak geek dude is dumb as hell hes a hypebeast he doesnt really know anything about the shoes he is wearing on his feet u can tell by how he describesthe kicks oh and BTW UR "LITTLE PAINTING ON THE BOTTOM" is from the jordan 8's
i find his vids very informative and entertaining.

it also opened my eyes to see what the difference between collecting garbage and collecting real j's. i've decided to get rid of alot of my j'sthat i consider too hype and collect the ones that are more rare and classic that represent the purest part of MJ and his time.

all the hybrid j's and crazy colors are cool but at the end symbolize what's in and look like a waist of space in my collection. there comes a pointwhen seeing too much color on a stack of shoes that made them unapealling.

RARE og/retros is where its at. i'de rather have a few priceless rare J's than a landfill full of hypebeast garbage....six rings...........
Love the concept....just hate the finished product. Felt they could have done a lot better with this. Seems rushed by JB.
I don't get it why you guys think he's dumb etc. He said it before he's here for the higher agenda. All these videos are for all of you to visithie website, sign up and then we'll see. He never said he was big time collector. He's new to this, doesn't know about the history, designs etc. Ithink it's pretty brave to admit it, while most of ya'll pretend to know everything about jays, like you're some kind of elitists. Of courseit's pretty easy to figure out all the design details on 6rings from previous models, but you don't have to know about the history of the shoes to beable to buy them. Let's be honest these are only the shoes!!

I bet he's cooking something bigger. He looks too old to be posting his clips on youtube.

Ad the shoes, eh. let's say they're ok. I'd rock them if I got them for free. T W zero 3 hehehe that was actually good one.

Originally Posted by cweak

I don't get it why you guys think he's dumb etc. He said it before he's here for the higher agenda. All these videos are for all of you to visit hie website, sign up and then we'll see. He never said he was big time collector. He's new to this, doesn't know about the history, designs etc. I think it's pretty brave to admit it, while most of ya'll pretend to know everything about jays, like you're some kind of elitists. Of course it's pretty easy to figure out all the design details on 6rings from previous models, but you don't have to know about the history of the shoes to be able to buy them. Let's be honest these are only the shoes!!

I bet he's cooking something bigger. He looks too old to be posting his clips on youtube.

Ad the shoes, eh. let's say they're ok. I'd rock them if I got them for free. T W zero 3 hehehe that was actually good one.


I only disagree with you regarding the hobby of collecting. Whatever you decide to COLLECT...doesn't it make sense to RESEARCH what you arecollecting. If I woke up today and decided I want to collect comic books, should I walk into a comic book store and buy blindly? How about stamps? Man Iwant to collect stamps...I'd better RESEARCH a little about it before.
Again, I think most of the disagreement is dude has bought EVERY SINGLESHOE...without any prejudice or reason or rhyme. Then on his video the hype begins. So it just what people see...someone that did not, choose not or has notdone their homework, but instead just bought everything...a month before anyone else...just to say they could. I don't know if that is right orwrong....people can collect whatever they want. I just think you should know about it before you jump in head first.

but yeah...they just shoes. Ugly shoes....but they just shoes.
Gotta admit, I entered my email to get on the mailing list. Let the porn spam roll in

Look forward to more of your videos, bro...but merely for comedic value

Good luck with your "journey"...
it's still a piece of crap shoe. JB ran out of ideas and now they are making shoes that look more fake than anything
Originally Posted by clean sole

Gotta admit, I entered my email to get on the mailing list. Let the porn spam roll in

Look forward to more of your videos, bro...but merely for comedic value

Good luck with your "journey"...

that's why i decided not to join his site. i get enough spamming.

he's gonna find him self surrounded by a wall of garbage hopefully he will overcome that and start becoming a real collector instead of a collectorbased on one thing

HYPE, SMH........
Originally Posted by kangoljas

Originally Posted by LennDawg

Here's the Concords for those who haven't seen them...
Anyone notice the White Concord does not have the pull on tab from the 6?
Way better without the VI pull tab and the VIII velcro strap IMO
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