Air Max Griffey II in 2011! Confirmed!

i hope not, remember when they would bust? might as well have on generic shoes they sounded horrible and the shoe was flat so no thanks on the bigger bubble
i hope not, remember when they would bust? might as well have on generic shoes they sounded horrible and the shoe was flat so no thanks on the bigger bubble
we need more release pics of these..and i wonder what new CW's were gunna see..they went nuts with the griffey 1s
we need more release pics of these..and i wonder what new CW's were gunna see..they went nuts with the griffey 1s
alot of niketalers prayers have been answered with these being confirmed. not to excited about these, aint nothing touching that amg1
alot of niketalers prayers have been answered with these being confirmed. not to excited about these, aint nothing touching that amg1
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