The Huge thing I dont like is the toe box. It goes straight up, while it looked so much better slanted like on the OG's, and first Retros.
haha! they aren't even og colors. so much for "most in og colors" huh. this pack idea is weak. they're basically hooking you into buyingshoes that have never been released before for 300+ a pop. micheal jordan never wore any of these. they should have all been the original designs in og colorswith damn original materials for quality. ...And anyone thinking they are done with the jb brand/line are crazy. you're buying them still aren't you?
I'm not going to read through every post but is nobody else dissapointed with the red piping? There's no need to put it on there
3, what are you talking about, the piping was always on this colorway

haha! they aren't even og colors. so much for "most in og colors" huh. this pack idea is weak. they're basically hooking you into buying shoes that have never been released before for 300+ a pop. micheal jordan never wore any of these. they should have all been the original designs in og colors







I hate the 2's......but these look alright...And I see a lot of U all dont read the posts most of your questions can be answered If U go back to page 4
3, what are you talking about, the piping was always on this colorway
I have no earthly idea what I'm talking about, there goes my one mistake for the year.

For some odd reason I had the other Mids in my head when I was thinking about the piping.
Im gonna pass on this pack also...... The IIs are dope in that color. XX1's are an EASY PASS for me.
Thanks for the pics HEAT
If i can find someone that want to go half on this pack then i will just get the IIs
Yep, I'm feeling 'em.

Hopefully they're not as cheap as the last batch of retro IIs (especially the white/navy/columbia blue lows; those are cheap as heck).

Hopefully they'll be built like the '94 retro IIs.

They probably won't be, but... hopefully.

So we already know... for SURE... that the XXIs will be black/chrome?

Either way:

X/XIII Countdown
XIII: white shoe
X: black shoe
colors of the pack: white, black, red

IX/XIV Countdown
IX: white shoe
XIV: black shoe
colors of the pack: white, black, red

II/XXI Countdown:
II: white shoe
XXI: black shoe?
colors of the pack: white, black, red

So is this going to be a pattern then? I know that the colors of the shoes will only be combinations of white/black/red, but are all of the packs going to be'1 white shoe, 1 black shoe'?

I kind of hope not, because I hate black shoes.
haha! they aren't even og colors. so much for "most in og colors" huh. this pack idea is weak. they're basically hooking you into buying shoes that have never been released before for 300+ a pop. micheal jordan never wore any of these. they should have all been the original designs in og colors with damn original materials for quality. ...And anyone thinking they are done with the jb brand/line are crazy. you're buying them still aren't you?


haha! they aren't even og colors. so much for "most in og colors" huh.....micheal jordan never wore any of these. they should have all been the original designs in og colors ......

are you so sure about that?

this pic tells me otherwise

N E way, I am glad to see this colorway released, I was hoping they would back in 04 but to no avail. So I am glad they are making their first retro appearance
i'm not really a fan of the II, but i have to admit, those white/red II's are lookin real fresh. let's see what the XXI will be so i can make mymind up. thanks for the pics
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