Sep 8, 2007
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I would not want to see Nolan direct a live action Akira movie.

Notes and suggestions as a producer is okay though.

I want Nolan to stick to making original stuff he and his brother come up with.
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not a fan of anime to live action. death note was junk. attack on titan was horrible. please don't ruin akira.
What an uninteresting article. "Christopher Nolan met with a guy that might be involved with something." In other news....water is wet.
Chronicle already came out tho

Also cosign on not being interested in Akira live action. No way it matches the brutality of the original movie (and damn sure not the WW2 level horror and violence of the manga)
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not a fan of anime to live action. death note was junk. attack on titan was horrible. please don't ruin akira.

Edge of Tomorrow wasn't bad, but it was just a mange/light novel.

I honestly feel like if an American studio was allowed to do AoT it would've been better.
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Meh, Im open to the idea. I can definitely see how easily it could go horribly wrong...

A Nolan directed Akira would be the longest movie ever, doe. :lol:
1st 15 min of nolan akira >> next 3 star wars

The only way this film can be pulled off is if nolan directs it.
Still blows my mind this came out in 1982
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In :pimp:,had no idea Nolan was involved in this. I was already looking forward to it before :lol:
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