All NFL Bust Team vol. Tony Mandarich .....

OLB - Brian Bosworth
Come on, how you gonna put a man with such a bad !#$haircut like this on that list.

(I'm obviously joking, his acting career was better than his football career
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

as a raider fan Robert Gallery and Tyler Brayton(only good thing he ever did in silver & black was knee jeramy stevens in the nutts) should def be on that team

I have a feeling Jamarcus will be on that team in about 3 years
r u joking? he came out of college early, missed all of training camp, didnt play most the season.... had very limited action (although i admit his 1st game was awful) but the last game of the season he put up 200+ yards very quietly and looked better than CPepp and McCown did all season. He has the calmness and poise of a vet. This kid will be a Super Star and hopefully lead the Raiders back to being great. Hope their is not a lot of "Raider fans" like you though.

CHILL..being Raiders fans doesnt mean we have to share the same opinion. The turmoil in the front office, not knowing who our coach is gonna be from year to year, Al Davis acting like Stalin and ruling with an iron fist not listening to any ideas other than his can really stunt the growth of a young QB. Hopefully Jamarcus is the answer I like the kid hopefully it'll be a reverse psychology type thing where I keep talkin about how much we suck and then we start doin good, it worked well when I did it with the Lakers haha.
i can agree with that, right on
i would give tony mandarich a pass because he was able to salvage his career in his later years and not become a complete waste.

with some of these busts i kinda feel sorry for them, i wonder if some of them were strictly busts because they were in a bad situation or weren't handledproperly. im sure some of these players would suck regardless of where they went but some on that list i feel could have been decent with the right coaching orif they weren't thrown in right away.

laugh all you want but i think ryan leaf could have been decent if he had decent coaching and wasn't rushed into action and thrown into the starting jobwhen he clearly wasn't ready. dude had a great arm but he was real immature at the time. the immaturity part i think could have been fixed and he did fixit just that it took him to be out of football to fix it, he went back to wsu to get his degree and i beleive hes the qb coach at some texas school now.
which is exactly why he's a bust how are you the best running back in college football one year and then cant make the Broncos of all teams, the team thatturns bums into 1000 yard rushers
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

which is exactly why he's a bust how are you the best running back in college football one year and then cant make the Broncos of all teams, the team that turns bums into 1000 yard rushers

ya I agree.....

but it's just sad to see someone as good as he was with Ohio State to not even play a down of NFL football......

but even at the combine.... dude ran a 4.8
........ I even remember dudes calling him "Slow-Mo"
I believe should make that list Alex Smith is a bust that guy isn't fit to be a QB in the nfl
Maurice Clarrett was never the best RB in college.

He's not a bust, he was a 3rd round pick only because Shanahan was willing to take a risk. No one was gonna take him in that draft.
"Im Charles Rogers, i had 68 catches and 13 touchdowns"

i still remember that EA Sports commercial and ill never forget it. It made me like charles rogers, i even got his jersey
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