amare Stoudemire: 'I want to be that guy',eyes 2010

Amare needs to rebound then he can talk. And he isn't going anywhere, Shaq is like his dad to him.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Amare needs to rebound then he can talk. And he isn't going anywhere, Shaq is like his dad to him.
will shaq still be playing in 2010?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Bosh is coming home to Dallas so yall can just stop talking about him now.
Bosh has a better chance of signing with San Antonio or Houston than Dallas.
Will Dallas be under cap by 2010?? i know that after the Knicks they got the highest pay roll. But amost the entire Knicks team comes off the cap in 2010

Doesnt Dallas got more long term contracts? I mean correct me if im wrong...
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

People with smiley faces? That's it?

Ohhhhh good points

The Cavs can offer almost 35 million more in a max contract to LeBron than any other team. Do yalls homework.
The fame and notoriety of playing in New York > That extra cash
Depending on what Dirk and Josh Howard do (total of $30 million/season), Dallas may have a lot of cap while SA has $32 (they'll probably sign Ginboili sothat may knock them out of the race) and Houston has $28.
will shaq still be playing in 2010?

I was trying to say it like Amare is really arguing that this Suns team is HIS team but he's too cool to Shaq to say anything to him or themedia.

I think Amare and all the Suns fans wish we had that 04-05 Suns team. That year was the best. Everyone used to show emotion everytime they scored. Now itseems different.

Amare won't be crying when he's holding that trophy in June.
Idon't understand why everyone marks out the Suns as a top team... they have the 2nd most wins in the West.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Amare needs to rebound then he can talk. And he isn't going anywhere, Shaq is like his dad to him.

That won't really matter. Shaq is out of phoenix at the end of his current you can't play the Shaq card. But really, and unfortunately..Idon't think that the Suns are going to be major players in the future. Unless they win a Chip this season, or next..I don't see much incentive at ALLfor Amare to stay if he wants to be on a championship calliber team.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

LeBron already said he's not taking less than max in 2010 and everyone knows Cleveland can offer him the most money

Plus Stat could get max from the Cavs?

LeBron + Amare + Mo....

I mean
Thats not the point man. Face it nobody wants to play in Cleveland. Look at history man. Name me one superstar like an Amare that has left his team to go play in a small market city like Cleveland??? I mean i just went off about this in the other thread but ill give it another go.

MAYBE you can get Lebron back in 2010, im not saying for sure but yall have a shot about that. On the other chance i will say yalls got NO chance of landing an Amare/Bosh to play with Lebron like the Knicks do

There is a reason that all star players (except for guys like Duncan who dont like the limelight) ALWAYS gravitate to big market teams. Shaq had a GREAT team in Orlando fresh out of the finals but still went to LA cause Orlando wasnt the kind of big market city, when MJ was a FA he wasnt looking at teams like Cleveland he was looking at teams like the Knicks or sticking with the Bulls (which he did), its the reason guys like Ewing never left the Knicks in hs prime depite not winning a title, it is the reason Kobe has stuck in LA for so long and the reason that when he did want out he would excersize his no trade clause unless he landed in a NY or a Chicago. it is a reason that all of the history rich franchises or teams from big markets like the Celtics, Lakers, Knicks, Bulls, Pistons, etc.

Maybe yall can land Lebron cause you already have him and you can offer him more $ than anybody else... and he is from Cleveland so he might still have soe loyalty. But no doubt NY will make a run at him big time cause we can offer the chance to have him play with aAmare/Bosh because big time players want to play in big time citie end of discussion. There is no possible way a guy like Amare would leave Phoenix to go play in Cleveland. It wont happen. Its the same deal with Bron IF he leaves the Cavs it will be to play in NY or Chicago, etc. Its the reason the Nts got no chance even with Jay-Z cause they wont be in Brooklyn. Same thing with Amare and Bosh IF they leave Toronto/Phoenix it wont be to go to Cleveland, it will be to play in a big market city like NY. That is one of the many reasons Lebron will be attracted to us no matter how much cap yall have. You still wont land a franchise player because they want to play in big markets. The best chance you have of FAs in 2010 are the all-star level guys, which isnt bad, but the big time franchise players if they leave will play in big time cities. Name one star who has left their team in FA to play in a small market city???

It never happened and it wont happen. Dont hate, im just keeping it real outtacontrol.
Alot of what you said is true but...

I would say theres a better chance LeBron will stay in Cleveland then him leaving. Like you said its his hometown. Hes said before all his family and firendsare there, loyalty and legacy are important things to him.

Now with that said i do think its possible Amare or Bosh could be with cleveland for 2 reasons.
They will get the money while lebrons gonna have his max contract. And because...LEBRON HIMSELF is there.
Your right why would they want to go to a city like cleveland thats not Marketable? Well the fact that Lebrons there will draw close other big names. Peoplewill want to play with him if they get the chance. This isnt the first time players ahve ben drawn to cities big or small because of other players.
While everybody's been sucking LeBron off I've been an advid hope of Amare coming to Chicago along with Joe Johnson and I hold firm to that hope.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

While everybody's been sucking LeBron off I've been an advid hope of Amare coming to Chicago along with Joe Johnson and I hold firm to that hope.
Have fun losing every year to Lebron/Bosh like we did vs MJ
LeBron + Bosh > LeBron + Amare

I think Bosh would readily be #1b/#2 to LeBron whereas Amare will pout..
And I think in 2 years time, it'll be no contest whether Bosh is better than Amare or not.. Just my opinion though..
The Most Overrated Player in the Game of Basketball.

8 boards and people really think he's one of the elite pf's in the game.

dude is going kenyon martin when nash stops spoonfeeding him the ball.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

LeBron + Bosh > LeBron + Amare

I think Bosh would readily be #1b/#2 to LeBron whereas Amare will pout..
And I think in 2 years time, it'll be no contest whether Bosh is better than Amare or not.. Just my opinion though..
word, i dont even think that it is close between the 2 of them. The only thing Amare has on Bosh is that he is more explosive. ill take Bosh'sjumper and post game over Amare, and his D/rebounding is on a different level than Amare's.

I would much raher have a guy on the Knicks like Bosh who will go all out on the boards and on defense. I ***%%%! hate guys tht dont play hard on D. I dontneed another Curry on this team (talking defense/rebound wise although Amare is still WAY better at it than Curry offensive and atletically there is obviouslyno discussion between the 2).

btw another move showing homeboy Scott Layden at his finest. I mean obviously a genius move taking our next franchise player Michael Sweetney (actually showedbig potential before he was dealt for curry
) over Amare. So instead of tlking bout offering hima max deal in the summer we could have already had him

Joe Johnson ans Amare to the NY Knicks.

what are you trying to do get th old Suns lineup in a Knicks uni?? i mean we already got Q now all we would need is Nash. %%@% that team couldnt even win aring/play D three years ago when guys like Nash and Q were young/healthy how the %%@% do you think we would win when they are older now.
Gr8 you're foolish to think we'd lose to y'all yr in and out.

For one Joey's gonna get his EVERY RIP... I rock with bosh but Amare just seems like he'd fit better with Pooh than Chris would and I'm not worriedabout that match up either. Although Chris is better defensively, Stat can play it. Finally y'all pg won't be able to stick Pooh no matter who you get.

So we'll be moor than good. And I'm still not sold on y'all actually landing LeBron truth be told.
^^ PG play??!! Man i dont think you ever heard of Chris Duhon sonnnn (jp yo i know nobody !#!%%+* aroun with pooh

But we wont need to, we will have Chandler at the 2 and we got Nate playing alot of point, he would do his best to hang with pooh athletically he can at leastbut hes nowhere near as big, but he dont back down from anyone and he is VERY strong for his size. After all yall really had no bigs to match up with Pateither back in the day

But anyway Lebron would just %%+! everybody on your team up in his priime and on the break. and Amare aint %+%!+#@ with Bosh.

Maybe you can say we wont win EVERY time but hey if you put me back in 1992 i wasnt gonna think that the Bulls would beat us every time. i mean you had MJ butwe had Ewing and a bunch of other good players as well i would figure we would win a few off of you, at least one time... and we played yall hard every timeusually taking series into 7 games which is better than anybody else did...but of course we didnt win not even once

that will be like Lebron for us, and bosh will be his Pippen (only better). Sure you will have that franchise guy at a key position (PG/C) in Pooh like we didin Pat, but that didnt do us good vs yall back in the day...

i dont even know why i am talking about this. Im just !#!%%+* around right now chances are the teams we just said wont happen in 2010. But i hope theydo Lebron + Bosh= guarenteed 5 rings minimum
Originally Posted by ShawnKempsKids

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

People with smiley faces? That's it?

Ohhhhh good points

The Cavs can offer almost 35 million more in a max contract to LeBron than any other team. Do yalls homework.
The fame and notoriety of playing in New York > That extra cash

exactly. have you seen lbj and his actions?

getting tired of lbj and his affiliations with places he has no actual ties to.

special edition shoes for nyc when he is a native ohioan/ite/ese (
).and special edition osu joints even tho he never played college ball because that is where he might have attended school? BS.

i thought this stuff was just talk a season or two ago when it started to appear but he is bolting in 2010.
that would hurt my soul Gr8... real talk as much as I hate you're franchise I rock with some of y'all fans (yourself, allen, true etc..) I justwant Lebron to stay put, I'm hoping he wins it in the next 2 yrs to end all of this madness.

Then we can have everything can be right with the world. We can all be on equal playing field on the up and up. Y'all can have Wade.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

the Knicks haters are

but the Knick fans are even funnier


Guaranteeing they'll get Lebron like they guaranteed they would get the first overall pick this past summer

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

that would hurt my soul Gr8... real talk as much as I hate you're franchise I rock with some of y'all fans (yourself, allen, true etc..) I just want Lebron to stay put, I'm hoping he wins it in the next 2 yrs to end all of this madness.

Then we can have everything can be right with the world. We can all be on equal playing field on the up and up. Y'all can have Wade.
iight yo... at least we're both Bears fans
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