I watched half of the first season and lost track. Just watched the first two episodes of Coven and really enjoyed them. Good to see Taissa back. I know she's below AWG for NT standards but I would wife that up.


Haven't seen S1 or S2 of this show, I just caught the 1st episode of S3. From what I've read so far the seasons aren't connected in anyway so I'm not missing anything if I watch S3 without watching the others correct?

About the girl with powerful P. How does a power like that really help? What if she has beef with a female then what? Also how stupid is the mother? If that is a family trait/curse wouldn't have been important to at least make her daughter aware of possibility at an appropriate age before she went off and did something.
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Haven't seen S1 or S2 of this show, I just caught the 1st episode of S3. From what I've read so far the seasons aren't connected in anyway so I'm not missing anything if I watch S3 without watching the others correct?

About the girl with powerful P. How does a power like that really help? What if she has beef with a female then what? Also how stupid is the mother? If that is a family trait/curse wouldn't have been important to at least make her daughter aware of possibility at an appropriate age before she went off and did something.

Yep. None of the seasons are connected. Its basically most of the same actors being casted in different roles in every season with a whole new setting having no connection to their role in a previous season. Dylan McDermont and Connie Britton were only in the first season as Taissa's parents.

I cant think of a show other than AHS that does this. And its a genius concept.
Also I read a rumor that next season is gonna be about
Im good as long aa Jessica Lange's in it. :pimp:
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QFT. Only thing that should have vampires is True Blood.
I stopped watching True Blood once Sookie found out she was a fairy godmother. It got to be a little too much for me at that point.

But when talking about vampires, this movie is a classic that needs to be brought up. Better than all of True Blood IMO
Not sure why you have to spoiler the potential general theme for NEXT season.

Anyway, def need to subscribe to this thread. I really really like the first two seasons and have really high expectations for this one. First two eps have been great. They've been really sexual, this last one had me all hot and bothered lmao. I may have to inquire about ring of fire sex with my lady. :lol:
First two eps have been great. They've been really sexual, this last one had me all hot and bothered lmao. I may have to inquire about ring of fire sex with my lady. :lol:

:rofl: Best post EVER. :nthat:
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