Andre Iguodala gumsoles on Hyperize not ok by the NBA

Nov 22, 2002

My hyperizers where not cleared by @NBA becuase of gum bottoms. Awww dam Gina!! (Martin voice)
Originally Posted by dyyhard


My hyperizers where not cleared by @NBA becuase of gum bottoms. Awww dam Gina!! (Martin voice)
The NBA takes its self too seriously.
Damn thats rough. Get a shoe you want to wear and then you arent allowed to. I'm sure Nike will change the soles on them for him though.
if you're Lebron, rules don't apply.


Lebron 2004 Got Milk Rookie/Soph Game.

not sure if the rules have changed since then. apparently they have, at least for regular season.
the reds and the blues dont seem to be 51% white/black anyways. i really dont see a problem with the all whites though, the gum sole is a nice touch.

rules must not apply to Lebron, some of the stuff he's worn hasnt even been close to the rules...
nba basically saying iggie don't have enough clout to let this small thing slide.
stern's being too uptight
Originally Posted by BP the owner

the reds and the blues dont seem to be 51% white/black anyways. i really dont see a problem with the all whites though, the gum sole is a nice touch.

rules must not apply to Lebron, some of the stuff he's worn hasnt even been close to the rules...

I agree with the 51% rule on the blue and red versions, but not clearing the white pair over having a gum rubber sole seems like bs...

And I'm sure Lebron just wears whatever he wants and lets Nike take care of the fine after the fact.
That's lame of the NBA but no one should bring up LeBron and his Wheat AZG.

Those were for ASW where anything goes as far as sneakers are concerned.

if you're talking about these, they look like IDs to me -- see the gray outsole? but then again, the kobe logo is blue, not red like the toebox. hmm.

Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

He can always rock it with this..

man that is a tight pic...but all of those are just bad he cant wear them...

NBA and David Stern, they lettheir golden boy wear whatever he wants, and doesnt let AI wear his gum soles? Wow.
NBA has some weak dress code rules, but players have 2 or 3 times to pass their drug tests. What kind of example is the league setting for kids?

You can be high all the time, just make sure your kicks are straight. SMH.
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