any easy part time job for a 16 year old ?

Jul 5, 2009
just quit the basketball team for my school since i have tendonitis on my left knee,flat feet which puts more pressure on my knees,and osgood schlatter onmy right knee..hard decision but whatever time to make some money on my own,ideas ?
Finishline...It was perfect back then because I got a discount on Jordans and my manager was known for hiring a bunch of dimes
. Met some of my bestfriends working there
It might be a little bit tough on the knees, but reffing basketball is a pretty damn good gig. Or you could work the board/books.

I have Osgood Schlatters still and I haven't grown since 15 (22 now), so best of luck to you with that.
Move a couple bricks.

But for real work at McDonalds. It's better than people think. I worked there when I was 16
As you will quickly learn, there is no easy job. I thought I had the easiest job in the world, but only negative thoughts roll in after some time. Youdon't appreciate the good things enough.
I doubt Macy's will take a 16 yr old. From what I've seen and witnessed in HS, the majority got jobs at markets, fast food places, telemarketing.
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