Any one going to Sneaker Con October 16th 2010 NYC

Apr 16, 2005
Anyone going to this event


right, he must be from ISS

i happen to be going to NYC on the 16th but i can't get down w/ an admission fee
right, he must be from ISS

i happen to be going to NYC on the 16th but i can't get down w/ an admission fee
First, what is ISS? Second, is it really that funny? Third, I'll be in NY for the weekend, 15th through the 17th. I was already planning to go to NY. Sneakercon is a bonus. I've never been to one and would like to check it out. Why is another mans decision bothering you? Do you think I'm wasting money to fly to NY? I fly for free through my job. I guess the $10 to get in is really going to hurt my pockets. Thanks for the concern though.
First, what is ISS? Second, is it really that funny? Third, I'll be in NY for the weekend, 15th through the 17th. I was already planning to go to NY. Sneakercon is a bonus. I've never been to one and would like to check it out. Why is another mans decision bothering you? Do you think I'm wasting money to fly to NY? I fly for free through my job. I guess the $10 to get in is really going to hurt my pockets. Thanks for the concern though.
I got there around two and it was friggin' packed. Tons of 16-year-olds running around with beaters, looking for ******ed trades. I went with money ready to buy some Atmos AM1s (Elephant print) and there was nothing at in decent condition at a decent price. One table had 'em for $350 and they were pretty damn used. It was a great turn-out numbers-wise but I left empty handed. Luckily I cut the long line and didn't have to pay. Same 'ol Jordan Retro and Nike SB bores...Air Max (all I really wear) was tough to find. The adidas table had some great stuff - especially the Neon-95-esque colorway of the Fortitudes...those are a definite cop. The girl working the adidas table had dat mass as well lol.
I got there around two and it was friggin' packed. Tons of 16-year-olds running around with beaters, looking for ******ed trades. I went with money ready to buy some Atmos AM1s (Elephant print) and there was nothing at in decent condition at a decent price. One table had 'em for $350 and they were pretty damn used. It was a great turn-out numbers-wise but I left empty handed. Luckily I cut the long line and didn't have to pay. Same 'ol Jordan Retro and Nike SB bores...Air Max (all I really wear) was tough to find. The adidas table had some great stuff - especially the Neon-95-esque colorway of the Fortitudes...those are a definite cop. The girl working the adidas table had dat mass as well lol.
now that i think about it i think i walked by the event when i was on Houston...and i saw some teenie boppers carrying nike sb boxes
now that i think about it i think i walked by the event when i was on Houston...and i saw some teenie boppers carrying nike sb boxes
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