I've ordered a few pairs of eyeglasses from Zenni Optical. Very cheap, even under $20 a pair for prescription glasses. Takes a couple weeks for delivery. Absolutely no complaints on my end.
Wasn't there a thread about free glasses a couple weeks ago?

Also, how do I find out my prescription? I literally just got my eyes checker and started wearing specs this past week.
No offense, but most of the frames look heavy on there, my nose would cave under that plastic
Wasn't there a thread about free glasses a couple weeks ago?
Also, how do I find out my prescription? I literally just got my eyes checker and started wearing specs this past week.
Wherever you got your eyes checked should have it , they legally have to give it if you ask them what it is.
Oliver peoples..i own a few of their frames.

Nice work if you ask me..
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Click on first pair free
I get compliments on my Justin timberlakes all the time. Than I tell people I only paid ten bux shipped for them.
one of my co-workers swears by zenni, but i never like anything off their site. i know they always have good sales tho

thanks for the warby parker i want big black frames with logos cause my eyes are terrible and i dont want to pay to get thinner lenses. and no logo just cause i hate logos
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