Any stores in San Antonio with urban accounts?

Jun 27, 2007
I am interested in a few shoes that are being released to Nike towns, and stores with Urban accounts.

Anyone know of a store with an Urban Account?
yeah i am in San Antonio...and i will be looking for viii Midnight Navy/Pea Pod-Orange Blaze which are supposed to only be released to stores with urban accounts, and niketowns
there's a chance that the champs or footlocker in rivercenter might get them. i know they got the first couple of spizikes that dropped a while back, but not sure if they have a lifestyles acct though. go to the san antonio NTers page and post a comment on the viii's. there are a few jordan heads and they will have more info. hope that helps.

hit us up on myspace at we've got a pretty close sneaker community here in sa. we also host montly meet ups. maybe you can make it out to the next one.

you will have to make a trip to active athelte in austin cause we dont have a urban acct here! or there is always eastbay. like art said check out our my space page!
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