Ya for sure I live in Florida and its about time to buy some all white lo air force 1's for this summer
i've heard rumblings that it may be this weekend, but until i get a firm confirmation i will not get my hopes up too high. if i get any concrete info i will post it asap.
Not this weekend. My source says maybe next week tho. It don't matter cause if its in march gives me more time to stack up. I'm ready when they are tho.
if there are any employees in the miami/ft. lauderdale area that could help me out shoot me a PM. I'll tip
hoping its this weekend my sister gots everything i want stored away if not more time to stack money
Originally Posted by bigsupa



and lol at people looking for hookups on NT. I don't see an employee putting their job on the line helping a random stranger on NT for $15. These relationship should be built in person before EA. Every time you buy something from FL make sure its the same sales person and chew the fat for a little while. you should be good after that.
^true statement,

Everytime, I have been able to get something through a EA, it is someone I know, or someone on NT, that I talk to on a regular basis (not just when EA rolls around)
Once at the end of every quarter, plus an extra for the holiday's is what I have been assured by a very reliable source in middle-management (sorry, no namedrops for some of you narcs). Possibly may drop to only four in the future if abuse continues.

Take it to the bank, this is EXACTLY what the old system was before, back in the day when I was a FTL manager.

Thanks to a few idiot employees and managers out there totally abusing it (i.e. advertising it to regular customers, pushing it out on paper to other mall employees), the new CEO laid the smack down.

Some of you tards really screwed it up for everyone, and yes, I'm speaking about some of you lames on this forum.

Enjoy your thirty-percent.
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