Anyone else having a hard time finding a job?

May 10, 2002
Since I was laid off last December, I can't find a job
. I filledout 60 to 80 applications and maybe 1 or 2 call backs. I've been to job/career fairs, sending resumes online and nothing. My unemployment is about to runout soon too.
what was your profession at your last job? i got laid off in may and found a job in august...granted i live in SF and i work in hotel business so there'salways a job i have 3 jobs...go and try to find a different type of jobs too if that helps...
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Somebody give me a job in Brooklyn. A good one.

I'm with ya, its hard to find a p/t job in the field I want with my 6 week winter semester schedule

Taking all night classes in the spring, and hoping to find something in the business field that will help me.
Been laid off since October, 3 interviews and a bunch of resumes sent and still nothing
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

what was your profession at your last job? i got laid off in may and found a job in august...granted i live in SF and i work in hotel business so there's always a job i have 3 jobs...go and try to find a different type of jobs too if that helps...
I was an operations manager/ delivery assistant that past 6 years. I have a mechanics certification and forklift license also. I'm going toget my CDL hopefully soon too. But for now, I am currently back in school
Yep. It's not easy.

Just keep looking and stay positive. Pick up some hobbies, work out, whatever. Just gotta fill the time until something comes along. Can't stay stuck inone spot.
I'm in that boat along with you all.The thing that kinda gets under my skin is that the places I apply for are definitely hiring, but"management"drags their damn feet when it comes to calling applicants back!I don't know if these people think it's a game or what but notbeing able to do things I both need and want to do is starting to stress me out just a little.
i exactly know what you mean management is dragging about hiring some new employee but you gotta understand sometimes they rather give the extra hours to theemployee thats been there or sometimes if the management has any incentives or bonus they rather not have their labor going up. just don't give up man bepersistent...if you really can't find a place to work try working at a restaurant and move your way up to be a server/bartender its good money for workingless hours
I was laid off last October and had an interview today
. Granted, I waitfor GOOD opportunities. I had one previous job offer that fell through. Got a PT job at Fry's to pay my bills, but was laid off in a month because I calledone of the managers an *%##%@#
. Sell yourself, try hard, and beconfident. Good's tuff out there.
yeah it seems like jobs for undergrads are tough. It almost as if each opening is for a senor postions that requires at least 5 years of exp which is tough forrecent grads
Add me to the list. I graduated over the weekend with a degree in Communications and Psychology. I am trying to get into the IT field (I know it doesn'tmake any sense). My plan is to spend a couple of weeks looking for jobs in the IT field, and if nothing is happening I'll open myself up to pretty muchanything.

Living at home is crucial since my only expenses are going out, food/alcohol, car expenses and car insurance.

Good luck to everybody out there.
I apllied to so many places, and nothing.

But i believe if i called the jobs, after i applied, they would have taken a interest.
Its not all about who you know right now..lots of people know people but still cant get in the door. Also, if your unemployment is about to run out check onall the extentions your state may be giving out. Emergency etc etc..
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