Anyone ever buy from ??

May 18, 2017
Hey guys, wasn't sure where to exactly post this but I wanted to ask you guys if you had ever heard of them or purchased from them?

I wanted to pick up some space jams from them but wanted to ask here first.

They have what looks like 1.1 million followers on Instagram but something strikes me as iffy, don't know why.

Can't find anything on them review wise at all online.

Any input is appreciated!


No clue about their legitimacy. But why would you pay $350 for SJs? Check out GOAT app or StockX and assure yourself that you're getting legit shoes for less than $350.
I will check those out, appreciate it. Was more concerned about them being legit or not. Def won't pay $350 for them.

Just something about having 1.1 mil followers on Instagram and like only 800 likes a pic.
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