Anyone ever stopped everything they were doing and started a new life?


Apr 23, 2008
6 Classes away from getting my degree. Trying to make it to this graduation, but the urge to say f it all is building up.

Currently employed at a job I could care less about, but I stick around because I have about $1,200 left to pay before I'm out of debt.

I want to just up and move to Cali in search of a new life and happiness. Anyone on NT ever do something like this? If so, describe your experience.
6 classes? You can knock that out in a semester, at the max..a full academic year. Don't give up.
Got kicked out the crib. Moved in with my sis about an hour and a half away from my hometown. Picked up a job that I used to work at before with easy.. worked about 25-30 hours this week. Broke as hell until friday comes around. It's hard to make friends with strangers. Life is tough, G
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My life was going somewhere. It was somewhere that had a stable job and money and all of that, until I realized I was not happy.

I finally graduated from High School (I'm 17) and I'm moving to NY in January to just be out of CA for 5 months or so. I just want to start over and find out what really makes me happy.

My advice to everyone: It's ok to start over. Just have a decent plan. What I really want to do in life is pursue music as well as open up my own business with a partner I can trust. Afterwards split the business so we can each do our own thing in a safe way. I once gave everything up and said there's no way in hell my dreams are coming true. The sadder I became the harder it was for me to believe that there was nothing out there for me. I picked myself up and got my sh*t together. I am now happier than ever because of the simple fact that I believe I will do something great in life. Something that will make me happy.

I don't know why I wrote this and I don't care!!!! :smokin
Two years after I got out the Navy I went to work for Schlumberger. I was making money hand over fist. I started in July and by the end of the year I cleared 60k. New year comes around and even though I was making good money I hated it. I "wanted" to concentrate on school. I joined the Navy to pay for my education. Event hough I was going to school full time while working I hated the fact my job cared less I was in school.

In April I was laid off. I moved out of an luxury townhome I rented and moved to the hood. I sold my Mercedes to my brother. I collected unemployment but I was happy because I was still in school. I took a $9hr job that paid the bills and I continue my education today, which still makes me happy.

Happiness is number one, just make sure its genuine.
Ofcourse I'm always trying to start a new life, or a new chapter to say. Who the hell doesn't?

I'm always aiming to upgrade, pursuing to advance and becoming more successful than I was yesterday, or last week, or last year.

Gotta keep moving and improving!
One of the bigger problems with our generation is the need for instant gratification. Sometimes (READ MOST TIMES!) it is better to delay gratification as the result(s) are much more satisfying.

OP, stick it out for another semester and bust your hump to get that degree. I am not a fan of college but you made it this far, DO NOT give it up because you are going through a funk. Finish school and plan your next move. Look at your life from different perspectives and make a calculated decision about your future. One step at a time....
its only been a few years since ive left school and ive had 4 jobs in 4 years. i dunno...i just cant do the traditional corporate 9-5. i got laid off from the last one, took that as a heads up and started my own business. im working so much harder and so much more, but im so much happier and the stress is good stress. it motivates me to become more than what people expected me to become.

i think the main thing was that i was trying to live up to people's expectations and doing what i wanted to be doing. its tough right now because i just started a few months ago and i hear the criticism everywhere about how its stupid to start your own company, how the economy is down...blah blah blah. just gotta push through it.

as KillTheHype wrote....if you start over definitely have a plan or at least know what you want to achieve.
stopped everything i was doing in CA, made a decision to move to NY without ever being here in a matter of 2 weeks. been here a little over a year now and everything is working out better for me here than it was back home.
One of the bigger problems with our generation is the need for instant gratification. Sometimes (READ MOST TIMES!) it is better to delay gratification as the result(s) are much more satisfying.
OP, stick it out for another semester and bust your hump to get that degree. I am not a fan of college but you made it this far, DO NOT give it up because you are going through a funk. Finish school and plan your next move. Look at your life from different perspectives and make a calculated decision about your future. One step at a time....


The mind is so fickle--- you could care about something one day and then change your mind the next. I think if you are truly going down a path that legit makes you unhappy, or is a detriment to your healthy then yes, you SHOULD start over. But if it's something as fickle as "you are bored" then you should really think about the implications of what will happen later on down the line.

It's 6 classes, knock them out at least. That should be a piece of cake. You've come too far to just throw it all away
naw famb. My life is dope the direction its heading in.

And not cuz i'm working on a degree or because i'm stacking paper..

But because everyday I wake up, I look forward to something.

I don't detest getting out of bed..and even if I have nothing to do, I appreciate sleeping on my air mattress (#comehitherbro)

The feelings of happiness gets stronger, andthat makes me more easy going, which makes me more productive, which leads to more money, then better ideas to make more money, then more confidence cuz i'm smart, leading to more yambs eventually finding one yamb to kick it with consistently.

Finish school, dumb boy. You have 6 classes left. That's a semester.
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As everyone else said, knock that degree out the way, if you only have 6 classes. Pay off your debt, and stack bread until you graduate.Then, TRAVEL, the world is your playground. Throw a dart at map of Europe, Cali, South America, anywhere, and go. It will change your life for the better, before you decide to settle down.

I've up and moved twice in my life so far. I use to say in my teenage years, "Man if I ever won the lotto, I'll never stay in one place for more than 2 yrs or so." Honestly, I still have that same mindset without a windfall of money. If I want to see what's Cali like, by golly, I'm going to get there. If New Zealand  tickles my fancy the next year, guaranteed, I'll work my *** off to get there.

It boils down for me as Happines= My freedom, to do whatever the fug I want, when I want. That's our god given ability to be able to change our own situation and outlook on life.
Luckily my life has never been so bad that i to scrap everything

And start fresh... *knocks on wood*
Luckily my life has never been so bad that i to scrap everything
And start fresh... *knocks on wood*

me too

but i feel a lot of ppl/americans are in for something big real soon

buckle up for the rocky ride ahead
First of all, finish up those classes nupe. You got 6 more to go, fam. Like many people said, that's only a couple of semesters at the most. You'd be doing yourself a disservice by stopping now. You've come this far, and if you choose not to do it I'll personally find you and we'll be trading. :lol:

Now that I've said that... I've always flirted with the idea of up and moving to a new place. I really wanted to during HS, but circumstances at home kept me from relocating. It wasn't until last year that I actually made the decision to do it, and now I'm in the process of planning. I have a checklist of things to get through before I leave (mainly finishing college and stacking a certain amount of money,) so assuming everything goes as planned, I'll be living in Houston within 5 years. Tokyo, Japan within 10.

As much as I love Minneapolis, I've grown tired of it and the people here (a lot of Minnesotans are extremely passive aggressive.) It's time for something new.
You ever listen to Tariq Nasheed? He actually reccomends this. It takes you out of your comfort zone. Puts some good pressure on you.

MJ Demarco also does in my favorite book The Millionaire Fastlane. Whatever you choose, good luck. Pay that debt off and keep your credit good. It will definitely help if you plan on doing so.
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