Anyone here not care about credit?

So are gyms a scam too?

Making money off of people being irresponsible .
This is America though.
It's a capitalist country.

You going to blame credit card companies for people getting in debt that they can't get out of?

I'd much sooner blame a bank for loaning money they know can't get paid back than blaming a credit card company for extending people a 1K line of credit.

At what point do people take responsibility for their actions?
This is America though.
It's a capitalist country.

You going to blame credit card companies for people getting in debt that they can't get out of?

I'd much sooner blame a bank for loaning money they know can't get paid back than blaming a credit card company for extending people a 1K line of credit.

At what point do people take responsibility for their actions?
Never lol.

Copped is blaming the banks as well as the CC companies.
the analogy was there to show you that everything in this world is FOR PROFIT and sometimes that profit is banking on your irresponsibility...and when it comes to banks and credit cards their profit is making interest OFF of you...

being responsible is paying off your credit card in FULL and reaping all the extra benefits--air miles, coupons, etc. whatever extra bells and whistles they lure you in with..

your gym membership only benefits you when you use the facilities...if you are there 4 times a year the gym is making money off of you for you irresponsibility of throwing your money at something you don't use...gym's count on those who don't show up...banks count on those who don't pay their cards on time...

my whole point is that the whole structure is built to put people in debt and make interest some where along the if someone can live their life without credit cards, loans, mortgages, banks---more power to them because its not a bad thing..

So basically if you are rich which is almost nobody so taking accountability for your actions isn't your fault when you don't
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Not many people can live without all these financial institutions, CCs/banks prey on people who aren't using their CCs smartly like you said. But instead of suggesting to people that they use CCs smartly, to build their credit, and reap the rewards your suggestion is to not have any credit and use loans for anything, ever.

For normal people who aren't ridiculously rich, or inherit houses, it's good to work on your credit is my point.
So you just have boatloads of cash and only pay cash
boatloads? not even close.... 

i'm able to pay my bills in cash and only buy things i have the cash on hand to buy.... 

i don't own a home and I drive a $2500 car I paid cash for 

the little debit i do have is from canceled cell contracts and un-returned cable equipment lol 

cz first of all, no one is blaming the credit card companies for debt 

the credit card companies are taking advantage of people's need to want nice things.... people are addicts 

again, do i blame them? not at all....

what EYE have been saying is that all these dream scenarios being described in here on how to properly use credit are NOT the norm.... look at debt stats

credit encourages people to spend more than they should 


people don't really even know what "afford" means.....  sure, you can afford to make payments, now ..... what happens if you lose your source of income or get hit with other unexpected expenses... now what 

THAT is the reality for most ... so again, im not blaming the creditors and aren't sure how y'all came to that conclusion 

we're just saying how the system is setup and it's setup for most to fail 
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I don't think you can blame CC companies for the debt, but they certainly can be at blame for the atrocious interest rates they can charge if you were to miss a payment, hell or even rates in general. :x It all seems to be a result of aggressively selling easy/too good to be true ideas to people that aren't properly educated on the matter.

Also, Paypal raised my credit limit the other month on my paypal account and literally sent me emails daily to remind me of my higher limit, id imagine to spur purchases, etc. That aggressiveness to spur spending irks the hell outta me

Credit is cool though if used responsibly, just another tool to find savings. Financial goals are so unique to the individual, there really can't be a "right" view on it. But in a day and age where consumer debt is getting higher and higher each year, you def don't want to be holding that bag when **** goes down. Glad I learned when I did.
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Big proponent of making big purchases with cash/debit and using credit for small daily purchases. Groceries, gas, etc.

Use your credit cards for amounts you know you'll pay off easily every paycheck. If you want something nice save up or sacrifice something you already have for it.
Big proponent of making big purchases with cash/debit and using credit for small daily purchases. Groceries, gas, etc.

Use your credit cards for amounts you know you'll pay off easily every paycheck. If you want something nice save up or sacrifice something you already have for it.

This is what I do, my recurring bills I pay with credit, and pay it off every month. Best way to build up credit.
I guess if you have a ton of cash and I mean millions and millions, you wouldn't really need credit but I can't imagine having bad credit or no credit and living life. I pay my credit cards off at the end of every month and keep a 0 balance on them. With these credit cards I have, I have a ton of rewards that I get such as free plane tickets/hotels/rounds of golf/car rentals/TSA precheck/Airport lounge access/global entry and these perks all come with being responsible with credit cards. If you're smart about it, why would it be bad to take advantage of all these great points and free perks? Now if you are using credit cards to live a life that your income does not match, then that definitely isn't going to work out but I don't think there is any issues with credit cards if you can be responsible and use it to your advantage.
@Made In Korea23  what card do you use to get TSA precheck and airport lounge access? 

I'm about to cop a new card and travel a lot but haven't taken the initiative to pay for TSA pre so I only get it about half the time. 
Credit is important. I'm trying to get to 780 by the end of the year. I' plan on buying a house and I want the cheapest interest rate possible

LOL @ thinking borrowing money you don't have is a great idea 
You're missing the point. You are only supposed to borrow money you do have. If you are using a credit card to pay for things you can't afford you are doing it wrong.
LOL @ thinking borrowing money you don't have is a great idea 
You're missing the point. You are only supposed to borrow money you do have. If you are using a credit card to pay for things you can't afford you are doing it wrong.
Actually.... YOU'RE missing the point because you're pretending that its common for people to use credit cards the correct way 

if you don't know or realize this.... not sure what to tell you 
Actually.... YOU'RE missing the point because you're pretending that its common for people to use credit cards the correct way 

if you don't know or realize this.... not sure what to tell you 
 Yeah I read your other posts. You are right about the majority of the people being totally irresponsible with their credit.  I live by the motto if I don't have the cash for it I don't use the credit. Like many others have said in here if you are responsible there is literally no down side to using credit for the perks and rewards. The problem is like you said the vast majority aren't. 

 I think it comes with age. 
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