Anyone just have a bitter taste in their mouth about relationships...?

Jan 4, 2011
I've just had way too much drama involving relationships between the ages of 18 - 22.
It's not that I'm afraid to get into one again, I just feel like I've set the bar really high for that next girl. I'm basically admitting to myself I refuse to take anything serious until I know she's the one...

...yet Im just as comfortable with myself if I dont ever find that "one."

But seriously, relationships in your twenties are hard to take serious these days I feel. I mean yes, you can find two people who are level headed and mature enough to have one, but it's few and far between.

Anyone feel me? 
Yeah. Bascially because all that time I was dealin' with the lady in question, I could've been doin' other things.
Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

I've just had way too much drama involving relationships between the ages of 18 - 22
Not hard to believe. Relationships at that age usually don't last/workout. People need time to grow and find who they are first.
I take either take a girl too seriously, or treat them like %+*# so i don't catch feelings. I can't find a middle ground, so i just choose to stay away from the idea of a relationship at age 24.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

I've just had way too much drama involving relationships between the ages of 18 - 22
Not hard to believe. Relationships at that age usually don't last/workout. People need time to grow and find who they are first.
Agreed.....I guess I just feel what I'v been through has been a little more than that. Given I do have a son. 

I love him to death.....but the relationship I have with his mother is damaged goods.
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