Anyone know anything about the "Cool Kids"?

Jul 22, 2007
They're the dudes in the Rhapsody commercial, you know the guy with the Diamondback hat and wolf shirt
I know they got a single out called Black Mags,thats all I know...
they utalize that screwed hook thing lupe was talking about in hip hop saved my life

"pedal down the book with the willy on the front" "dino with the black mag"

"with a little bit of gold and a pagerrr"
IMO the beats are on point and i like the flow, but the lyrics don't seem quite there yet. I do plan on buying their next EP
I think they will hit big too...

I love their style. Too many dudes dress the same in hip hop, these guys are at least different.
i know alota people are gonna flame me for saying this, but for some reason these dudes to me seem like they are gonna be De La Soul for this time period?Dress completely different than the rest of hip hop (although i know what they were is pretty traditional for hypebeasts..). I Mean dont get me wrong. Theseguys are no where close to being as big, and they wont have the same impact on hip hop...
I know they are gimmik rappers. I had there old myspace when they didnt dress the way they do now.

They dont really ride BMX, I know people who really BMX tough. Thats there gimmik.
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