Anyone lose their AIM buddy list????

May 28, 2003
So I've been using the old AIM (like version 4.3 or something) because the new ones are trash and it seems like they're trying wayyy too hard and the last couple days I kept getting a pop up saying I will no longer be able to use this version but I just kept ignoring it. So today I sign in, and my entire buddy list is gone. I thought if I got the new one it'll come back, but even after the new version I'm missing my entire 200+ buddies. Is there a way to retrieve it back? Did this happen to anyone else?
I have whatever the latest one is and when i signed on today everything was gone, but then I signed off and signed back on again and everything was there.
Just wait a while, it happened to me and I tried everything to get it back: upgrading, signing on/off, even rebooting to no avail. Waited an hour later and it was back.
thanks guys, just restarted aim and boom, it's back!

i hate the new aim though...why do they have to make everything so big? takes up so much room on my screen...
Sidekick 2008 >>>>>>>>>>>

I remember I had like 200 buddies.. I deleted more than half of them when I realized I only talk to like 20 of them
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