April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

WOR: Meltzer talks about an "interesting booking" regarding The Shield vs McIntyre, Corbin and Lashley at Fastlane

Dean Ambrose is leaving, everyone else is staying, so beat Dean Ambrose. But I just can't see... If I was booking, I would not even fathom the suggestion of Roman Reigns losing his first match back. In fact, if I was in a meeting and someone suggested Dean Ambrose loses the fall since he's leaving, I probably wouldn't get too mad. I would go, "Yes. Under normal circumstances, you're right," and then I would probably fire him. To me, there are certain things that are open-and-shut and... you don't beat Roman Reigns' first night back after this. It doesn't even matter if it's the one and only Shield thing. That's nice and all. But if it was like a normal match, and The Shield got back together, and Dean Ambrose is leaving, then I'd beat Dean Ambrose for sure. But circumstances have changed that.

Source: https://www.f4wonline.com/wrestling...ent-reigns-fast-lane-card-mailbag-more-278696
WOR: Plans for the RAW Women's Title build changing every week, producing this awkward story.

After complaining about the lack of believability of someone on crutches fighting a match, he said the following.

“Put it this way. Things have changed every week to make this more difficult than it needs to be. It just changes every week. There are changes that screwed everything up and didn’t need to be made, but were spur of the moment.”

He suggested some backstage hijinks that he knew about, but was coy about revealing them.
Didn’t know Conti has only been wrestling since 2017, no wonder she’s a disaster. I’ll slander her less now. Her only experience is in Judo. I thought she was at least 4 years into wrestling and just never improved :lol:

Aaliyah been in developmental for at least a decade and is only marginally better than Teddy Ruxpin at best.
Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison I had no idea you can make $ selling wwe toys. Thanks to that podcast I found a Pete Dunne and sold it in 30min for $90 :wow: I had a few Mad nerds DM me because I took pics of the toy at target :lol: I need to find more of these


Yessir! Dunne is a hot ticket item. Target exclusive.
Sensational Sherri is going for a pretty penny too.
If you find king Harley race you can make some money too. He’s going for $150+
Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison I had no idea you can make $ selling wwe toys. Thanks to that podcast I found a Pete Dunne and sold it in 30min for $90 :wow: I had a few Mad nerds DM me because I took pics of the toy at target :lol: I need to find more of these


Yessir! Dunne is a hot ticket item. Target exclusive.
Sensational Sherri is going for a pretty penny too.
If you find king Harley race you can make some money too. He’s going for $150+

Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison I had no idea you can make $ selling wwe toys. Thanks to that podcast I found a Pete Dunne and sold it in 30min for $90 :wow: I had a few Mad nerds DM me because I took pics of the toy at target :lol: I need to find more of these



Yessir! Dunne is a hot ticket item. Target exclusive.
Sensational Sherri is going for a pretty penny too.
If you find king Harley race you can make some money too. He’s going for $150+
Caught NXT and as expected it was GOODT!

I really like the European Union.

Looks like Bay Bay's jobbyness has rubbed on on Fish and O'Reilly too.

Wonder what Trips is gonna do with them?

Looks like it's gonna be Dream/Bro at TakeOver New York. Wonder if Dream loses and continues the trend of the NA Champion losing their title quickly? Especially since Riddle is making his de-but in a high profile TakeOver match.

Overall, very sports entertaining episode.
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