Are there any instances (IYO) where a movie is JUST as good, or better than the book?

Mar 13, 2004
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I was so disappointed after I left seeing Angels and Demons last night....I read the book previously, and the movie was absolutely horrible.

The only movie/book combo that I have seen/read that met my expectations was Jurrasic Park....this is just me thinking quickly off the top of myhead...I'll see if I can think of anything else...

The Godfather
The Shawshank Redemption
Blade Runner
The Shining
Jackie Brown
The Silence of the Lambs
A Clockwork Orange
To kill a Mockingbird
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

The Bridge to Terabethia was pretty much on par with the book
Loved that movie, made me shed a tear
Bridge to Terabithia is a good example. It followed the book pretty much all the way through.
Time to Kill is another good example. The only thing that bothered me was how they made Mississippi look like we can't afford air conditioners! LOL

For my own examples I choose:

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven
A Walk to Remember
The Green Mile
never, because when you read, you create the ideal movie for yourself, which ur never gonna see on the screen
Fight Club was a word for word transition from book to movie. give or take a few exceptions.
Originally Posted by jhova718

Fight Club was a word for word transition from book to movie. give or take a few exceptions.
**** are you being serious?
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