Are you guys worried yet?

Originally Posted by Lootpac

Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

Originally Posted by Lootpac

NT is full of debbie downers these days. Relax everyone, while there is some bad stuff going on, its really no reason to freak out on the level that everyone here seems to be freaking out.

in the next year or two your views on the danger where in will change
I'm not saying I'm not concerned, but out in the world and everyone seems to be going about their normal everyday routine, albeit a little concerned, while everyone on NT is freaking out, stockpiling food, guns, etc. waiting for the revolution. Its like all of NT reads the paranoid news these days, and only takes the bad from it. Things are bad, but they're not apocalypse bad, and they're not gonna get that way provided people like some of you don't go off the deep end and make them that way. The kicker in all of this is that half of you are like 17 and under, just wait a little while and everything's gonna be ok.
Yeah, I'm a little tired of the doomsday scenario's. We're in a bad state now, but I honestly think improvement is coming in thefuture. When? I'm not sure and wouldn't even guess but I'd say we're going to improve before we get shot to hell as some have predicted...
unemployed and looking hard for a job out here in the phoenix area things were really good for a while and know everybodies losing there jobs at a alarmingrate being in my 30's its scaring when you hope a 10.00 an hour job hires you.. unemployment in az tops out at 240.00 a week after taxes 214.00.. even mywife who works for a city cut over 40 jobs last month a city job man i thought you were good for life at a city job..
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Yes. I'm getting more and more worried everyday
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

Well, Fed just cut rates by a lot. Rate cuts = more investment by businesses = economy on the upswing, at least that's what's supposed to happen. I honestly think that the news has everyone shook.

This is what happened during the last recession and look what that led us into. Amazing that people don't learn from their mistakes. I'm not tryingto scare anybody but as soon as this money makes it out of the banks, hyperinflation will be in front of us. $20/gallon milk sometime in the next five years,very likely.
The company I work for is tied to the real estate market. Foreclosures and the credit crunch are killing us. The company is reorganizing from top down. Everyday I thank God that I still have a job and worry that I won't the next. I was already unemployed for 9 months within the last 3 years. I don't want tobe again. Some experts say that recovery will start around 2010, which is too far away.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Dont spend money. Dont spend money. Dont spend money. Leave kicks and clothes alone find a chick that will want you for you and keep it moving, trust me you are going to need it.
^^ dont listen to this statement.

this is the one of the reasons this *@*# keeps getting worse.

ignorant people like this are AFRAID to spend money and its $**##%+ everything up.

its important to spend your money wisely but dont just stop spending money.
Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

Originally Posted by Lootpac

NT is full of debbie downers these days. Relax everyone, while there is some bad stuff going on, its really no reason to freak out on the level that everyone here seems to be freaking out.

in the next year or two your views on the danger where in will change

arent u like 13?

why worry about something you cant control? until i feel the effects of this thing directly, im not even gonna think about it.
Sibeck agrees. "This could result in stronger geomagnetic storms than we have seen in many years."

The years ahead could be especially lively. Raeder explains: "We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numberedsolar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasmajust before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."


I think the point he was trying to make was not to spend more frivolously, but rather wisely.
i want to stay in school another year (supposed to graduate this june) and pick up a minor
then teach english abroad for a year.
i figure by then i can maybe find a job.
Originally Posted by FifthName


I think some people don't take you as serious because of your typing in caps. I don't know, it just seems like you're always ranting.

Just saying.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I think some people don't take you as serious because of your typing in caps. I don't know, it just seems like you're always ranting.

Just saying.


Why Worry...You will not add a single day to your life.

Matthew 6:25-27.....

"25 "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on.Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet yourheavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? "
the cultivation theory works again. some here are watching and reading the news all damn day, making you think things are worse than they are. take deepbreathe. I graduated from college in May but and have freelance job
but Im not going to start crying about it because a change will come. just gotta keepthe faith.
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