Army To Announce Ban On Tattoos Below Elbows, Knees VOL. sorry Popeye....

The Marines instituted this years ago and people continue to enlist. Not an issue.
That's another thing, military doesn't allow facial hair for the most part, possibly due to the fact that a James harden beard isn't the most professional look. It annoys me because I wear a stache and goatee faithfully. If I want to serve, I've got to follow the guidelines, and this is something that my body naturally produces and it's not allowed.

People can get butt hurt about it all they want but, regardless of how accepted they become in society, tattoos look unprofessional and will be frowned upon in a business setting.

Actually, with a beard going on our gas masks won't achieve a proper seal. I think that's the main reason but also because we're supposed to portray a professional appearance. The professional appearance is what they're going for so that explains the tattoo policy. Also, the US Army is trying to drawdown its troops and I guess this is another thing that could help with that.
They are probably doing this because these kids these days enlisting after high school are influenced by wiz or lil wayne and get these gabage looking garage tatts because they are desperate for ink and cant save the money to get quality work smh
I see why they are doing this, there aren't any "real" wars, at least wars where they need massive number of troops. Add in increases in military technology.

It is when the army is funded by capital instead of humanity that the power elites have a vehicle to promote their agenda. Wars are no longer fought in the trenches for trivial ideals such as freedom and equality, but rather are fought in the boardrooms for profit, without the guise of patriotism, without the allure of honor or glory. The wars of our fathers maintaned the illusions of justice, the wars of our sons will be more cavalier in their denouncement of rights in favor of "money."  This is only the beginning.
On a side note, I hate when dudes say idiotic things like "people with tats will only end up working manual labor." I have a full sleeve and I graduated from college and am an accountant who's about to get a CPA license. there are many people working in corporate America who are tatted up, we just cover up at work. It's the same as not wearing earrings, jeans,fitted caps, and sneakers at work

and good for the military. The more they prevent young people from slaving away for this BS government, the better
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What some of you dudes don't understand is they make the rules and if something is not deemed proper then you will be denied. You think companies in Colorado or Washington don't deny applicants because of failed drug tests due to marijuana use? Companies have standards and policies for their employees and if you can't live up to that then so be it. I have tattoos and have no problem with this ban
sooo, how many of you ignored the sentence where it said that prior tattoos in the newly banned areas can be grandfathered in?
Draft dodging just got a whole lot easier.

@ not being able to enlist even if I wanted to.
Trust that if things ever come down to having a draft, this rule is going out the window EARLY.  
sooo, how many of you ignored the sentence where it said that prior tattoos in the newly banned areas can be grandfathered in?

I'm not sure what you're saying but grandfather rights only apply if you're already in - not if you have tattoos already and want to join.
They are probably doing this because these kids these days enlisting after high school are influenced by wiz or lil wayne and get these gabage looking garage tatts because they are desperate for ink and cant save the money to get quality work smh


I thinking all these dudes had unibrows til i realized that's the new tattoo spot smh
this dope. if they ever bring the draft back, ima just get a set of sleeves.
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