Asian Culture Discussion Thread

no surprise, those "security" officers are morons. probably thought it said "pinot" and assumed he was advocating for alcohol.

if anything, he should've been removed for the ultra basic "only god can judge me" tattoo
I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.

Rent a cops for sure over reacted. Sure there was many other tattooed individuals that weren’t stopped. But one of the more interesting comments under post pointed out that there are Filipino gang members that use the slogan tattoo. So cops record and make note of these signs at booking.
Rent a cops for sure over reacted. Sure there was many other tattooed individuals that weren’t stopped. But one of the more interesting comments under post pointed out that there are Filipino gang members that use the slogan tattoo. So cops record and make note of these signs at booking.

Crazy to think they look you up and down looking for a reason to kick you out before even crossing the doorway. I’m curious if that man has a right to sue the water park.

Self Identify.



Identified the racist loudmouth.


Cops should have waited till after 4th of July for more Money.
This out of all the crimes AGAINST Asians was the priority?!
I don’t trust police anymore so I’m sure they’ve known about this. Probably chose to raid it because someone refused to pay their extortion tax. Super crooked police.

Man you aren’t lying about that dude’s forehead :rofl:
Somebody send a memo notice to all the Racists, Bigots, and Criminals. Don’t they know the Government passed the “COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act”. Shouldn’t Hate Crimes against Asians have stopped?

Read the Bill. Reality check is doesn’t really do much. Get over the Media spin and self congratulations.

Got some amazing stupid stereotypical tropes in that post.

Didn’t realize Asian Hate Crimes, Attacks and Deaths just been happening this past year.
Didn’t realize should just pick up and move back to Homeland. Midwest was kinda nice to growup and live, but now comfortable out West.
Didn’t realize Asians have had so much power and control over America’s culture, institutions and economics. When’s the next shareholder meeting. Have a long list of wants and needs.
Didn’t realize there was a Struggle Olympic contest going on. Who’s the manager need to talk to so Asian people stop getting hurt, attacked and killed.
Didn’t realize we were over stepping boundaries for speaking up for ourselves. Didn’t realize we were begging for empathy and support.
So sorry. Not.


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