B.o.B. on one.

The evidence that the earth is round...the simplest evidence....the suns shadow...constellations etc

They are so simple and obvious that i feel there should be equal forms of evidence to prove the earth is flat.

We can post youtube vids all day i realize that but some things you can go outside and do yourself.

Go outside....lay down and watch the sunset....stand up real fast and watch it set again.

Show me something i can do myself to show the world is flat and ill give it a try
What do you guys feel the reason is behind the flat earth topic being so big though? A blatant psyop? Or is there something to it? And when i say there's something to it I don't mean the earth is flat I mean there's a plethora of non scientific arguments for flat earth that raise other questions pertaining to the validity of government regulated information that's dispersed to the the populace.
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The evidence that the earth is round...the simplest evidence....the suns shadow...constellations etc

They are so simple and obvious that i feel there should be equal forms of evidence to prove the earth is flat.

We can post youtube vids all day i realize that but some things you can go outside and do yourself.

Go outside....lay down and watch the sunset....stand up real fast and watch it set again.

Show me something i can do myself to show the world is flat and ill give it a try

I swear I've seen you post this on every page.
Maybe a couple of times on every page.
If this thread had pinned posts, it'd definitely be pinned.
I intentionally post it alot becuz no one has proven me wrong or answered my question
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What do you guys feel the reason is behind the flat earth topic being so big though? A blatant psyop? Or is there something to it? And when i say there's something to it I don't mean the earth is flat I mean there's a plethora of non scientific arguments for flat earth that raise other questions pertaining to the validity of government regulated information that's dispersed to the the populace.
There's definitely something to it and a reason behind it, no way this thing gains this much steam this fast without help.

It doesn't help that some of the flat reasons are like magic, easy to believe until the someone blows the Magicians secret then you're like oh yea, that's how they do it.

But it's got everyone stuck, not everyone but a lot of folks for sure. This isn't coincidence.
Person 1: Why are all the other planets spherical?

Person 2: Avoids answering the question by asking 5 questions and posting 3 Youtube videos of why the Earth HAS to be flat.

Person 1: So why are all the other planets and moons spherical. I didnt hear an answer.

Person 2: ...

How just about all flat Eatrh discussion go.
60,000 miles?

The ISS is 250 miles.
how u gonna see the whole earth at 250 miles away??? The earth is like 13,000 mIles wide???

No shots at any body, I never claimed to be some smart goodie too shoe know it all. I always felt like I was lied to about where we live our history as a species and everything in general. School was always cringe worthy to me because I felt like it was all one big eloborate prank to brainwash us.

Think logically about everything they've presented to you as fact. Logic is the best way to think because it's your raw train of tHought without empirical data
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Logic or being Logical is not definite.

Logic can be an opinion as well as a fixed idea or sound reason. 

Perception change gives Logic dual meaning. 

I don't need rocket science or a PHD to understand or deduce that, I only need, logic. Funny.
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Why no Moon Day?

^ That's a pretty good question I don't care what you believe, flat or round...there should be a Moon day.


You know what I've never been able to wrap my head around is a compass. 

Like, North is only North if, South is only South if.....I mean, I have a compass on this smartphone, and right now it is pointing me in the direction that I know with 100% surety is North....But if I turn completely upside down, it is still pointing me North, but that is without a doubt NOT NORTH

I mean, North is North is North, or should be right. Why is North now South?
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Not sure why you would think that is a troll. 

Not only do I not understand why, I would think this would be a common hang up if one were to think about it.

I used to date a girl in Australia, I legit just thought about texting her and having her screen shot her iCompass while holding it upright, so I could see how it compares to mine. 

It's probably something so simple, but it does my head in trying to figure this out. 

It should be the same, my basic understanding doesn't allow me to comprehend it any other way. Yea I'm about to hit her up to send that pic, it's mid-day there.

(definitely not trolling)
Far from lock.

We haven't even scratched the surface.

Some things already discussed will be again, and now that I've caught up on the thread or skimmed back through, there are a multitude of things not even touched on.
Far from lock.

We haven't even scratched the surface.

Some things already discussed will be again, and now that I've caught up on the thread or skimmed back through, there are a multitude of things not even touched on.
they try to lock what they cannot prove... there is no proof of a globe earth in 2017 and it scares them
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