"back to school" after break unappreciation

"back to school work" after break unappreciation

At least I don't work retail anymore,
Ugh, I want this semester to be over so bad; Hurricane Ike really put a dent in it.

2 more weeks and then I get to have a nice one-month vacation.
I am not really looking forward to anything.... It feels like this semester is over to quick.

At the end of the day unnecessary school work is unappreciated.
going back after thanksgiving is the worst. all the papers, projects, & speeches are due...next thing you know...finals.

luckily, i'm not back till tuesday.
I'm going back tomorrow. I have a test or a paper due everyday this week except for Friday which I have a power point in Bio.
I only have 2 finals and 2 papers to turn in. I just got done writing a 6 page persuasive essay on why the Xbox 360 is a better buy than the Wii and PS3 (picking your own topic ftw) which i just found out aint due till next week on the 8th
but i have a test on Tuesday that I aint studied for yet, i justwasted a good 2 hours on a papaer i could have waited to start on
unappreciated. i just got back to my apartment and have homework due tonight and two exams on wednesday
Very Very Unappreciated. Luckily, i took my exams before break. I'm going to be late tomorrow, like every Monday morning.
UNAPPRECIATED.. damm this week and then finals and its over. gana be the worst 2 weeks ever
Try both. I work at school and it seems like they don't understand when I'm on vacation I really don't want to hear from them. But I only reallyhave a full week and a half left so I just want to get it over.
this week is my last week, then next week is finals. i swear it sucks to spend money on a ticket home for thanksgiving and then shell out more money to go backhome just 2 wks later.
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