Basketball Thread About Nothing

They want cats built like curry running the 5 because they're the "obvious" pg. how about there's no place for you in a real game you earl boykins sized bastard. Hate those guys lol.
That guy that calls for the ball like hes on offense, when hes really on defense for the other team.
This is a move you use to prey on the weak. You can tell if a cat is shook, lost, nervous, or whatever and you capitalize on it. I can't tell you how many times this has worked lmao. But doing it more than once is not the move at all.
When you and your boy end up on different teams.

Gotta get em.
when your boy is lighting everyone up and you lock him up because you know all his moves 
That guy that calls for the ball like hes on offense, when hes really on defense for the other team.

This is a move you use to prey on the weak. You can tell if a cat is shook, lost, nervous, or whatever and you capitalize on it. I can't tell you how many times this has worked lmao. But doing it more than once is not the move at all.

It works for me for a turnover or a steal at least 3 to 4 times a game. And they never seem to catch on. Smarter players usually those who have played at the next level catch on but you have those who fall for it everytime. The easiest to get are dudes who look at the ball while dribbling or panic when they get pressured/and or trapped. When they see me breaking toward the rim or being in a offensive threat -- they either pass it to me or double dribble, carry when they realized what they are about to do. My reasoning is you need to get with the dude that i'm not bothering to guard. If I can roam around on defense like I am on your team, what is the dude I am supposed to be guarding doing?
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dudes who lie about tipping a ball out when they clearly touched it

if you need to lie to win a pick up game you're a scrub 
They not trying to be respectful. They trying to WIN. Word to Courtney B Vance.
in a game without refs you gotta respect the game, if you lying about not touching the ball when everyone saw you touch the ball you get no respect and probably have no game 
what if you shoot for it? 
I got called out for playing in the post. Why is this an issue for people? The guy guarding me was a mismatch so I wanted to take advantage of it and people were getting on my case.
That guy that calls for the ball like hes on offense, when hes really on defense for the other team.
This is a move you use to prey on the weak. You can tell if a cat is shook, lost, nervous, or whatever and you capitalize on it. I can't tell you how many times this has worked lmao. But doing it more than once is not the move at all.
It works for me for a turnover or a steal at least 3 to 4 times a game. And they never seem to catch on. Smarter players usually those who have played at the next level catch on but you have those who fall for it everytime. The easiest to get are dudes who look at the ball while dribbling or panic when they get pressured/and or trapped. When they see me breaking toward the rim or being in a offensive threat -- they either pass it to me or double dribble, carry when they realized what they are about to do. My reasoning is you need to get with the dude that i'm not bothering to guard. If I can roam around on defense like I am on your team, what is the dude I am supposed to be guarding doing?
calling outlet and jumping lazy inbounds passes after made baskets 
I got called out for playing in the post. Why is this an issue for people? The guy guarding me was a mismatch so I wanted to take advantage of it and people were getting on my case.
if they cant handle the heat, tell em to get out the kitchen
dudes who lie about tipping a ball out when they clearly touched it

if you need to lie to win a pick up game you're a scrub 
They not trying to be respectful. They trying to WIN. Word to Courtney B Vance.
in a game without refs you gotta respect the game, if you lying about not touching the ball when everyone saw you touch the ball you get no respect and probably have no game 
what if you shoot for it? 
I dont even care about who gets the ball, most of the time I dont even bother arguing. its just a respect and honour thing.
Pet peeve playing half court and I take back everything. Hate when someone gets a steal or an airball and don't take it back= cheap buckets
The first game of the day that goes to 15 and lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Because it is one of those days where the gym is full and if you lose you might as well go home.
Pet peeve playing half court and I take back everything. Hate when someone gets a steal or an airball and don't take it back= cheap buckets
Man this is common sense rules when playing half court lol.
The first game of the day that goes to 15 and lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Because it is one of those days where the gym is full and if you lose you might as well go home.
I think this is one reason why I tend to play hard. I don't want to get off the court. The moment I lose, I know I won't be playing for another hour. 
The first game of the day that goes to 15 and lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Because it is one of those days where the gym is full and if you lose you might as well go home.
after 10 minutes its like "whats the score again?" "no idea lets start over, first to 11" 
I got called out for playing in the post. Why is this an issue for people? The guy guarding me was a mismatch so I wanted to take advantage of it and people were getting on my case.

I'm guilty of this when I'm on a garbage team and I just want the W. I'm a natural 2 but I'm typically the tallest on court in pick up games so I'll just hang out in the paint all day long cuz I've never heard of 3 in the key being called in pickup.
That guy that calls for the ball like hes on offense, when hes really on defense for the other team.

This is a move you use to prey on the weak. You can tell if a cat is shook, lost, nervous, or whatever and you capitalize on it. I can't tell you how many times this has worked lmao. But doing it more than once is not the move at all.

It works for me for a turnover or a steal at least 3 to 4 times a game. And they never seem to catch on. Smarter players usually those who have played at the next level catch on but you have those who fall for it everytime. The easiest to get are dudes who look at the ball while dribbling or panic when they get pressured/and or trapped. When they see me breaking toward the rim or being in a offensive threat -- they either pass it to me or double dribble, carry when they realized what they are about to do. My reasoning is you need to get with the dude that i'm not bothering to guard. If I can roam around on defense like I am on your team, what is the dude I am supposed to be guarding doing?
Bruh! It's so easy to spot the shook one. The other day I got this dude at least 4 times in one game. His teammates were pissed.
There's this kid at the gym I play at who is garbage. Dribbles out of control with his head down, hoists the ball all the way behind his head before he chucks up an ugly two handed shot. Every time I guard him I slide to beat him to the spot I know he's going since he's out of control with his head down in one direction. I am in solid defensive position by the time he rams into me and loses the ball. One time he flipped on me because he says I play too rough :rofl: Told him I play fundamentally and he can't even shoot let alone dribble in control. I had to explain to him if I beat him to a spot and am in defensive stance and he blows into me out of control, that's a charge, and that I'm not playing rough but if he doesn't dribble with his head up he gonna get hurt. A few plays later dude runs straight into me and starts crying his shoulder is all messed up. He was getting in my face trying to correct my play again. I told him, "why did you just get hurt and I didn't. When you are the one who ran straight into me." Told him he's out of control and I can read him like a book and beat him. He wasn't trying to hear it and was still trying to get me to lighten up on D. I called him a b**** and walked off the court. Don't have time to be dealing with that in a pickup game. I've played with him since but we don't speak. Son still garbage.
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the guy who never played organised basketball so he doesnt understand ball movement, everytime he gets the ball he NEEDS to bust out with at least 4-5 dribble movies before letting go
How about the big man who ONLY wants to shoot threes? I'm the opposite. Little man always jumping and trying to outrebound the big guys :rofl:
That guy that calls for the ball like hes on offense, when hes really on defense for the other team.

This is a move you use to prey on the weak. You can tell if a cat is shook, lost, nervous, or whatever and you capitalize on it. I can't tell you how many times this has worked lmao. But doing it more than once is not the move at all.

It works for me for a turnover or a steal at least 3 to 4 times a game. And they never seem to catch on. Smarter players usually those who have played at the next level catch on but you have those who fall for it everytime. The easiest to get are dudes who look at the ball while dribbling or panic when they get pressured/and or trapped. When they see me breaking toward the rim or being in a offensive threat -- they either pass it to me or double dribble, carry when they realized what they are about to do. My reasoning is you need to get with the dude that i'm not bothering to guard. If I can roam around on defense like I am on your team, what is the dude I am supposed to be guarding doing?
Bruh! It's so easy to spot the shook one. The other day I got this dude at least 4 times in one game. His teammates were pissed.

it really is, it's gotten to the point the dudes that are on my team will guard me when I am making a move to get the ball. And they always ask me why I don't catch the ball and start the fast break when it is thrown to me. 9 out of 10 teams I just watch the ball go out of bounds when the dudes on the other team pass it to me. If it's a bounce pass I'll let it go between my legs, if it's a chest pass I'll duck/move out the way and start running down the court.
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You know who I love playing against, lazy big man who insists on hanging around the perimeter.

I just let dude miss shot and help out with other players on defense.
when I have to guard someone twice my size and he keeps shooting 
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