BATMAN/JOKER HEADS...Anyone else say "Why So Serious" alot???

Mar 30, 2002
I was at work today and my coworkers were getting on my case because I have been saying "Why so serious" alot..Anyone else been saying that alot, oris it just me..

I personally think its because I am a bit hyped for the Dark Knight..

Coincidence when I opened the thread?

You have no idea. I had been saying 'Why So Serious?' at work way before the trailer came out even, just because of the viral sites. All my co-workershad no idea what I was talking about, and I wouldn't tell them. They all finally figured it out when the trailer came out. I ticked off one of my goodgirlfriends too one night when we were drunk. She started saying it now though so it is all good.
Ehh, even I am losing momentum with this TDK thing, but then again, I've been following it since early '06. I've seen enough to hold me over'till the movie.
This and Indy are my most anticipated flicks of 2008.

I've got a feeling that Leger's Joker > Nicholson's Joker ... we shall see.
Yo, the ads at the top of the screen are always based off the thread title. Well, maybe not always, but its happened way too many times to me to just becoincidence.
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