Batman Shooter Questions?

looking at your username already means you have no credibility

Robert Downey Jr better watch his back because we got a new Sherlock Holmes
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i never said i agree with everything on it im just pointing out some questions that im sure we all have
the earliest reports stated there were multiple shooters and how he came in through the side exit but as time goes on the story "develops"
im just showing some different sides to it as i dont understand where a college student gets this armory from or the money from
we have a lot of knowledgeable users on here and i doubt even 5% of NT would be able to booby trap their home like this guy did

You wouldn't have pointed it out if you didn't agree with it. We are ready know he was a genius, a psychotic one at that. The information to build a nuclear bomb is on the internet. What makes you think he couldn't find out how to build a booby trap?
My question: What were the parents of the 3 month old baby thinking? Bringing their child to a midnight showing.
You wouldn't have pointed it out if you didn't agree with it. We are ready know he was a genius, a psychotic one at that. The information to build a nuclear bomb is on the internet. What makes you think he couldn't find out how to build a booby trap?

it was to create discussion
heres another link look at the post date
take that for whatever you will and knowing how to do something and actually being able to do it is completely different
we both know half of NT would end up blowing themselves up if they tried to booby trap their home
it was to create discussion
heres another link look at the post date
take that for whatever you will and knowing how to do something and actually being able to do it is completely different
we both know half of NT would end up blowing themselves up if they tried to booby trap their home

You're comparing people on sneaker forum to a neuroscience pyschomaniac who was working on his phd?
fareal... famb came thru with a dikembe mutumbo rejection *waves finger*
Indeed he did
Be careful of how much protein you consume in one sitting. The average human's body processes about 5-8 grams an hour. Over eating protein can lead to increased body fat and/or added strain on your kidneys. Also, be mindful of how much milk your consuming. The casein(the main protein in milk) processes a lot slower than whey. So unless your bulking, try to not have more than a glass of milk a day.(also has a lot of sugar)

i see you are just another sheep i cant get a thought provoking discussion from you so just go troll another thread please
It was Marvel. They want people to be scared of watching Batman so they don't beat The Avengers.
i see you are just another sheep i cant get a thought provoking discussion from you so just go troll another thread please

Lol.. why you stalking my profile fam. Trolling is when you post things irrelevant to the topic, such as what you just quoted from me from another thread.

And just cause I shot down your conspiracy theory doesn't mean I'm a sheep.
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I can see were OP is going with this..... he is simply trying to look at the other side of this situation and their is nothing wrong with that.

However in this case it seems unlikely this was more then it was. Which is a man that went into a movie theater with the intentions to kill innocent people.
He most likely planned this whole thing out for months if not years.

The real question i want answered is not how he did this but why.
So Nobody at All finds it just ONE bit interesting that a few days prior to A UN vote on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. A College Student runs into the largest Hyped Movie in several years and goes on a killing spree.

Ensuring that gun control shall be the Only topic throughout the media for the next few weeks. That doesn't even seem a tad bit suspicious not for one second??

This Coming in a year where the U.S has attempted or successfully:

: Tried To regulate all Internet use
: Forced much tougher Copyright Infringement/ Sharing laws on Web content
: Attempted to pass a law that can allow the government to hold you in custody w/o even releasing a reason.
: and are attempting to strip all Civilians in the US of guns.

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Not only that But in a era where the FBI is hell bent on stopping Terrorist attacks....... A man is able to find 6 G's worth of ammo and explosives, Full out combat gear and not one single red flag is drawn.

However my friend got a subpoena to be a possible witness for tweeting he heard gunshots while he was close to the actual crime scene, Nt'ers have been hit with threats for illegally downloading a record ... Authorities are watching everything yet somehow a guy buying enough items to put a small town at risk doesn't draw any attention:rolleyes
Not only that But in a era where the FBI is hell bent on stopping Terrorist attacks....... A man is able to find 6 G's worth of ammo and explosives, Full out combat gear and not one single red flag is drawn.

However my friend got a subpoena to be a possible witness for tweeting he heard gunshots while he was close to the actual crime scene, Nt'ers have been hit with threats for illegally downloading a record ... Authorities are watching everything yet somehow a guy buying enough items to put a small town at risk doesn't draw any attention:rolleyes
purchase over time, get everything sent somewhere not your home. many ways to get around big brother's watchful eye. I feel what youre saying but I'm convinced its a random dude with some kind of point to prove and some wild logic BUT the powers that be will definitely take advantage of this situation.

Again. Watch Rampage.

What happened with a subpoena for downloading? :nerd:
I'm not taking this explanation as plain truth but there are a lot of holes in this story. We are Talking about not only guns, but SEVERAL explosives, Bulletproof Vest, Combat gear that normal civilians simply can't buy. and all of that went through w/o a single head turn,

So the FBI is sophisticated enough to tell me what books i checked out for the past five years & what i tweeted, but they have zero clue on how i can get Explosives & Guns, Do you not see the parody in that statement. The US spends BIllions on surveillance yearly especially since 9/11, In plain site this has the markings terrorist threat all over it.... Yet nobody noticed anything

Yea OK
I'm not taking this explanation as plain truth but there are a lot of holes in this story. We are Talking about not only guns, but SEVERAL explosives, Bulletproof Vest, Combat gear that normal civilians simply can't buy. and all of that went through w/o a single head turn,

So the FBI is sophisticated enough to tell me what books i checked out for the past five years & what i tweeted, but they have zero clue on how i can get Explosives & Guns, Do you not see the parody in that statement. The US spends BIllions on surveillance yearly especially since 9/11, In plain site this has the markings terrorist threat all over it.... Yet nobody noticed anything

Yea OK

Because you can't buy illegal guns/ammo from shady individuals or the internet...:rolleyes
It happens every day...
Oh cool ill go to amazon tonight and throw some explosive and swat team like protective gear into my shopping cart... Get outta here with that you can simply buy it excuse like its ****** GTA

It's not like dude went and bought a gun or two he LEGALLY bought Several thousands worth of guns, and Just casually learned from a how to make a bomb for dummies thread on how to hotwire his crib to the point it took Bomb EXPERTS over two days to dissarm. Does it seem normal that somebody can put together a string of bombs that sophisticated w/o ever practicing this.

And this "Maniac who was just out for blood" could have simply had a standoff shootout with the cops in which he was vastly overpowered or maybe just maybe a guy who was hell bent on killing a bunch of people would want hmmmm more people to die?

But no instead he suddenly shows remorse and decides to tell the authorities his crib was booby trapped. Instead of letting them go in there and possibly blow up the entire building. Things just aren't adding up with this story.
I'm not taking this explanation as plain truth but there are a lot of holes in this story. We are Talking about not only guns, but SEVERAL explosives, Bulletproof Vest, Combat gear that normal civilians simply can't buy. and all of that went through w/o a single head turn,
So the FBI is sophisticated enough to tell me what books i checked out for the past five years & what i tweeted, but they have zero clue on how i can get Explosives & Guns, Do you not see the parody in that statement. The US spends BIllions on surveillance yearly especially since 9/11, In plain site this has the markings terrorist threat all over it.... Yet nobody noticed anything
Yea OK

The fact that half of this guy's plan didn't work is enough proof to know he acted alone.
Oh cool ill go to amazon tonight and throw some explosive and swat team like protective gear into my shopping cart... Get outta here with that you can simply buy it excuse like its ****** GTA

It's not like dude went and bought a gun or two he LEGALLY bought Several thousands worth of guns, and Just casually learned from a how to make a bomb for dummies thread on how to hotwire his crib to the point it took Bomb EXPERTS over two days to dissarm. Does it seem normal that somebody can put together a string of bombs that sophisticated w/o ever practicing this.

And this "Maniac who was just out for blood" could have simply had a standoff shootout with the cops in which he was vastly overpowered or maybe just maybe a guy who was hell bent on killing a bunch of people would want hmmmm more people to die?

But no instead he suddenly shows remorse and decides to tell the authorities his crib was booby trapped. Instead of letting them go in there and possibly blow up the entire building. Things just aren't adding up with this story.

Definitely doesnt add up. Look at the Artillery this dude had. :smh:

One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes' car,

Where they cop that at.
I don't get how this isn't adding up. Maybe some of you forgot a year ago when Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway. He did it single handedly and manufactured his own bombs and everything. Heavily armed he gave no resistance when police arrived. The Aurora shootings pale in comparison to this.
Am i the only one who finds the entire thing suspicious? I mean dont get me wrong its a terrible tragedy what happened today
but where is an unemployed college student getting this sort of fire power and knowledge from? :smh:
He had to have had help from somewhere this article makes some compelling points
Sick world we live in today :x

Do you find it ironic that you are posing this question on a message board full of 14-year-olds with hundreds of $150 sneakers in their "collections"?

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