We'd have to go to porn site to look up porn pics
wow... what a crazy idea!
car sites to look at cars

relationship sites to go for relationship advice
Lewis - Scott - Stills - Suggs - Reed - Landry - McAlister - Rolle - Pryce - Ngata - Johnson
McNair - McGahee - Green - Mason - Clayton - Heap - Ogden - Brown - Flynn - Vincent - Terry - Sams - Stover​
Where did I say it has to be a "one stop shop for me"? Its not about "knowing how to use the internet" since I see how you nicely managed to navigate and reply to my message. Its about the Gen forum being a Gen forum, and for it not to be so governed. The fun is dying slowly. Dont tell me you never clicked on the booty post or any beast related posts. I mean why would you, you have porn sites to go to instead right?
For Sale: sz 9.5-10.5 Jordans - II Melo, XI Concords, XII (Melo & Taxi), XIV (Wht/red), XIX (Wht/Gry), XX (Stealth, 2K4 Laser Kobes, QS Bday LBJ II
AIM: ady2glude7o7
As usual, someone (previously banned) has to come through to take a swipe at us and use this opportunity to make baseless claims and generalizations.

What's the point of making these claims without providing support?

If you're truly concerned, why not report it? Why be silent then instead of now? Complaining after the fact does no one any good and it's a waste of both your and our time.

Like Method Man posted, I won't believe anyone is doing any actual flaming and won't until I see it.

Regarding people that are ban on sight status, what's wrong with that? It takes a lot to be ban on sight. These are people that have been given multiple opportunities to post on NikeTalk. There's no sympathy for people that can't do what 98% of NT can do without thinking. There's no sympathy for those that will make our task more difficult.

If you referring to those people whose back up names are banned when we see them, they're banned because the point of the initial ban is to keep them away from NikeTalk. :pimp:
R.I.P Stack Bundles aka the Seymore Cake aka The Gorgeous Gangster aka Rayquon Elliott
Gizmo's List of WANTED kicks. Jordans,SBs,95s, 97s ALL DEADSTOCK PLEASE 11.5/12
Again I do not care I was banned. I just have a problem of how and why. Ask your fellow Admin Meth.
What'd you do again?

Shared an account with a banned member? Yeah, we ban people for that ALL THE TIME. If you chose to help a banned member post on the site, you accept the consequences. Nobody singled you out.

You act like it was an important moment in life, the day we finally got...whatever your name is.

To you, apparently, it was a crushing injustice. To me, it was 5:15 on a Tuesday afternoon.

Sorry to break it to you, but nobody cares about your ban but you. Nobody on the staff even knows who you are to hold a grudge against you.

You get all that or was it too long?
You act like it was an important moment in life, the day we finally got...whatever your name is.

To you, apparently, it was a crushing injustice. To me, it was 5:15 on a Tuesday afternoon.

Sorry to break it to you, but nobody cares about your ban but you. Nobody on the staff even knows who you are to hold a grudge against you.

You get all that or was it too long?
R.I.P Stack Bundles aka the Seymore Cake aka The Gorgeous Gangster aka Rayquon Elliott
Gizmo's List of WANTED kicks. Jordans,SBs,95s, 97s ALL DEADSTOCK PLEASE 11.5/12
Selective reading....
For Sale: sz 9.5-10.5 Jordans - II Melo, XI Concords, XII (Melo & Taxi), XIV (Wht/red), XIX (Wht/Gry), XX (Stealth, 2K4 Laser Kobes, QS Bday LBJ II
AIM: ady2glude7o7
he said "you people!!"

T E A M N E R D​
Selling: DS Brazil Dunk Low sz 9.5
anyone want to trade a size 9.5 air safari for my size 9?
Once again READ. I never said you people were holding a grudge against me. I said YOU PEOPLE HOLD GRUDGES WITH OTHERS. NOT MYSELF. I only used caps because you seem to always read what you want. I am not mad at all.
You say you don't think "us people" hold a grudge against you, but if that's true what's with all the crying about how "unfair" your ban was?

When I was banned I was not the only person who did it either.

Sir, I always have been displeased by the way you people handled things even before I was banned by some nonsense of giving a banned member my name.

Again I do not care I was banned. I just have a problem of how and why. Ask your fellow Admin Meth. I told him it was stupid to ban me for something that everybody on here does.
don't care about?

You say it's unjust, but when pressed you can't back it up. All you can say is "I don't care about that. Stop taking me out of context!"

Everyone reading this thread can see that you're still tight about getting banned - and that's obviously the source of your frustration with the staff. Let it go. The staff certainly has.

I wouldn't have even remembered why you'd been banned had Goldenarmz not PM'd me to ask if I could reinstate your name, you know, the one you don't want reinstated.

You say you don't care, but your posts belie that. You say you're not complaining about the ban, but your posts belie that, too.

Get past it. You weren't singled out, period. We ban people for that same offense EVERY MONTH. Every time I notice someone arranging an account for or posting on behalf of a banned member, that user is banned. If someone's managed to get away with it, that doesn't change the rule. People get away with murder on occasion, that doesn't negate the law.
Why don't you actually try and support your claim with some examples, other than your own "unjust" banishment.

All you're doing is throwing out the same tired allegation without any proof whatsoever.

"You people are petty! You hold grudges! You're mean! You banned me and other people do the same thing! But unlike all those others, I'm tough enough to stand up to you through the Internet! Grr!"

Are you just gonna keep spinning in circles or do you have something else?
Now you trying to clown me for calling a spade a spade?
T E A M N E R D​
Selling: DS Brazil Dunk Low sz 9.5
anyone want to trade a size 9.5 air safari for my size 9?

my dude is not winning this one

if feel you though :lol:
Lewis - Scott - Stills - Suggs - Reed - Landry - McAlister - Rolle - Pryce - Ngata - Johnson
McNair - McGahee - Green - Mason - Clayton - Heap - Ogden - Brown - Flynn - Vincent - Terry - Sams - Stover​
NT we know drama, this is very entertaining i must say

"You people are petty! You hold grudges! You're mean! You banned me and other people do the same thing! But unlike all those others, I'm tough enough to stand up to you through the Internet! Grr!"

Are you just gonna keep spinning in circles or do you have something else?

Look. I said my piece. You mods replied to me. I responded back. Stop trying to play me like I m one of these little kids on here or Curtis himself in the Mayor of NYC.

I clearly said. You mods Flame mods troll like Dirty is doing in this post about my own. And you say I have no proof? Like Dirty banning some dude once for using that slap of his photo and said only so and so and who ever can only post it.


I'm just being my "corny" self
carry on with the fight!

it's fun...definitely a good laugh
R.I.P Stack Bundles aka the Seymore Cake aka The Gorgeous Gangster aka Rayquon Elliott
Gizmo's List of WANTED kicks. Jordans,SBs,95s, 97s ALL DEADSTOCK PLEASE 11.5/12
I do not have a problem with the ban

I was banned by some nonsense of giving a banned member my name.

Sir, I always have been displeased by the way you people handled things even before I was banned by some nonsense of giving a banned member my name.
T E A M N E R D​
Selling: DS Brazil Dunk Low sz 9.5
anyone want to trade a size 9.5 air safari for my size 9?

Like Dirty banning some dude once for using that slap of his photo and said only so and so and who ever can only post it.

THAT is the best you have? Seriously?

"Slap" pictures are OBVIOUSLY disrespectful. How is it not?

We don't want that crap on NikeTalk and I absolutely stand by his decision to warn or ban on that basis.

If that's the most damning example, you can go ahead and slink away quietly now. I'll just let it go.
Smash no point in arguing you know what's gonna happen.
You aren't proving anything to them right now they are probably doing this.... :rofl:
or this :lol:
*Team Florida*
*NT Detective*

OT. isn't it funny these days.....when people use "Sir" to address someone's usually prefacing a negative comment. totally contradictory to the term's intent.

Well I can not talk like I type and use the N word.

THAT is the best you have? Seriously?

"Slap" pictures are OBVIOUSLY disrespectful. How is it not?

We don't want that crap on NikeTalk and I absolutely stand by his decision to warn or ban on that basis.

If that's the most damning example, you can go ahead and slink away quietly now. I'll just let it go.
R.I.P Stack Bundles aka the Seymore Cake aka The Gorgeous Gangster aka Rayquon Elliott
Gizmo's List of WANTED kicks. Jordans,SBs,95s, 97s ALL DEADSTOCK PLEASE 11.5/12
You aren't proving anything to them right now they are probably doing this.... :rofl:
or this :lol:

And waiving their finger over the banned button. They are ready to let the finger go. So I sugest you save your typing. Your getting nowhere.
The "General" Forum in like my INternet "General" Store so I dont need to go to all those other places to look at stuff. The beasts filter out all the cool stuff on the net for us and we can talk about various topics. The rules are fine for me but the presence you are giving is getting everyone all riled up. If Admin just silently warns and bans folks, then we can carry on and be happy without thinking "they" are watching.

I just feel the all of a sudden presence of these rules has got to be cuz something happened recently. Can we get some info. or did an Admin wake up one day and fear his beloved website is actually thriving with free speech and opinion.

Word to the USA
I Need Lacelocks for the Green Bean V's
I Need Lacelocks for the Green Bean V's​
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