before sunrise 1995 appreciation

Nov 26, 2012
such a dope movie 

you can't make a movie like this anymore

people just communicate through twitter,facebook,instagram etc

and everybody on their iphone , galaxy etc

scared to have real guilty too 

I wasn't borned when this came out. Do you have a vhs I can borrow? I kinda wanna watch it
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I tried watching it at 18 and didn't like it. I'll try again soon, though. People seem to love all three movies in the series a ton.
Weldon Irvine's "Morning Sunrise">Jeru The Damaja's "The Sun Rises In The East">Sunset Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Before Sunrise"


I don't remember this one.

It looks like a corny *** love flick to be real with you.

Is that what it is or is there something deeper here?
I enjoyed before sunset more than before sunrise, still a good movie though. Still gotta watch before midnight
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I only heard about it because Before Midnight is releasing. Didn't know relationship / love stories could be a trilogy. The plots seem interesting, will check out the first 2 movies.
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