being short unappreciation

Originally Posted by th0ugh

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Thank the lord for being 6'5
how much do you weigh, though?
do you some of you guys have trouble when putting your baggage above you when traveling by plane...
It is what it cant change it so live your life mann. 5'7 now, but always been the shortest in my class. but the older i got, the less i cared. youll get over it. trus
bein tall aint all that cool. im uncomfortable as hell in movie theatres and car rides. any trip over an hour is a killer.

still would hate to be short tho
I was 5'4 from 14 - 19. then I hit my grow spurt at 20...grew to 5'5. 5'6 with the right kicks on  *feels good man*

Im the shortest in my crew. Everyone is 5'9 and up. Ive always dreamed of being 6 foot. now I jus wanna b 5'7
my moms 5 feet & my dads 5'4. I was doomed from the start

but bein short is not all bad and shouldnt be a problem with gettin girls. Short girls >
  its all about confidence.
Just learn to
I like to think im the biggest little guy out here

but anybody have a younger brother or sister thats taller than them?  my little brother is 5'7 and only 16 so hes still gonna grow. He tries to clown me cuz hes taller
Originally Posted by xbiker47

Originally Posted by chamilitary03

im 5'8, and i dont really mind or notice it .. but on the court, it kinda sucks lol

it sucks a lot on the court

5'10 w/ 6'2 wingspan

im rondo wit on the point/off gaurd
5 8" and I'm asian, can't complain.. I think if you're taller, than 6 2' you better have looks to go with it.. Or else everybody around you will be like.. "Look at that humongous ugly mother*(&%^&%"
Oh %+#@ man, thats pretty tight that you got a growth spurt at age 20. People can still grow then? Did you do anything different like stretch or anything?
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