Best Curren$y mixtape?

Reaction score
  • 2008: Independence Day
  • 2008: Higher Than 30,000 Feet
  • 2008: Welcome to the Winner's Circle
  • 2008: Fear and Loathing in New Orleans
  • 2008: Super Tecmo Bowl
  • 2008: Fast Times at Ridgemont Fly
  • 2008: Fin...
  • 2009: How Fly
Or sumthin else?!
This is hard to pick, because the majority of them are dope from start to finish.

But my favorites, and subsequently the ones I've played the most, are probably Fear and Loathing and Fast Times.
Super Techmo Bowl/Fear and Loathing/Fast Times are tied for first in my book. I got faves in all of histapes.
Originally Posted by czur1127

Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Originally Posted by HUYNHer

I got faves in all of his tapes.


Same but the best overall tape is Higher then 30,000 Feet IMO
Yo you left off Life At 30K, you might of just forgot but if you haven't heard that it's an absolute must.

Life aat 30K, Higher Than 30K, and Independence Day are by far the best if you ask me. Thenn Fear & Loathing/Winners Circle.
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