Best feeling in the world is...

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As far as the very best feeling in the world is concerned,  would still have to rank emptying my testicles onto a pretty 18 year old girl's face after doing a few lines of llello and aletrnating between brutal and violent pounding, over to tender slow love backin gand back on and and off for hours. Good Lord, an 18 and a 21 year old wit ha little white powder can create a carnal paradise on Earth and it lasts for hours at a time instead of mere minutes.

However, I would agree that hitting the mark in almost any context is usually some of life's greatest pleasure's. Winning a pickup basketball game with a 35 footer from the wing is exilerating, even making a 35 footer (without any lucky banks but with a satisfying swish and perfect form) in practice is fun. I also shoot a great deal with firearms and getting the quick draw "head shot" with my gold and ruby adorned 1911 or my silver and emerald decorated Walther never gets old (That is the influence of my Latino, we love to have precious metals and gems on the surface of our firearms, which are just as use full as the same gun without the ornamentation), nor do controlled bursts down range at the family vineyard (my grand uncle's years as a junior officer were back when the early version of the M-16 was around and it had full auto, that old rifle is now a family heirloom and firing it has become a rite of passage for every male in the family).

There is also the very simple but profound joy in throwing my empty water bottle into the small recycling basket in my office, the sport of basketball is in played with California Business Casual (which is to say that the attire is one or two glorious and aristocratic steps above wearing sweat pants to work). Finally there are head shots in that genre of video games, known as FPS. Many of you, I am sure do not know about this genre known as "First Person Shooter" because when a video game studio wants to make big budget game, they always, like clockwork, decide to go with innovative games, that are set in all sorts of genres and yet they aways have well developed plots, great voice acting and they almost never deal with the prosaic reality of the contemporary world of the British of American military's daring but infinitely laconic and devoted-to-the-cause infantrymen. If you guys look high and low you might see an "FPS" or two among the myriad, big budget, creative, life affirming and genre defying and new genre creating blockbuster titles that are befitting game that have multi million dollar budgets.

I suppose that some of life's aforemntioned pleasures that involve athleteltic and martial accomplishment do have certain things in common with the greatest pleasure of all, plastering an 18 year old's face with so much of my "essence" that extra is left over after making my euphoric (for me at least) dispersement from the office of my baby makers. While an Austrian Psycholgist can work out the fact that my favorite sexual act time is similar to all of my very favorite, non sexual past times. The fact that all of those past times happen to be competitive and are usually violent, usually involve dominating someone or something else and some times they involve an heirloom that is exclusively male and is associated with passage into manhood, are all enough for a phsyco analyists busy for quite some time.

My favorite sex act also reminds me of financial aid for freshmen, it comes in a huge burst to a freshman, sometime in early autumn or late summer and what they get is also found in various "banks" (money or sperm, depending on the bank) and I will leave them with enough "extra" that they end up buying some new high heels instead of anything education related and four to six years later, they look back on accepting my "dispersement," with some major regret and embarassment at how wild they were at 18 years of age.

BTW, sorry for the long rant, it was hard to write it but after you read it you will have a surfeit of lulz oozing down your faces.
Son... I actually read all of this. Pics of the 18year old

How old are you now?
Climaxing. Im talking about that long stroke, feel it in your back creeping to the front, legs give out, oozing for 5 minutes, immediately falling asleep after nut. Them days, are some damn good days.
this guy really prides himself for being normally educated. how old are you?

perhaps people view you as an anomaly on NT because this is a sneaker forum.

outside of NT you'd just be another dude. I laugh when people think your extremely intelligent. while your posts are interesting and conversation striking, you are average. that is it.

don't get gassed because high school kids are unable to read your rants.
For me it has to be getting paid..
When somebody rubs my head..
Back rubs..
Passing out after a delicious thanksgiving feast..
Rex just isn't a good enough writer to justify these massive posts. Sorry bro. Work on your sentence structure.
And the phenomenon of arguments degenerating into petty name calling has nothing to do with the length of your posts. It has everything to do with the fact that you sound like a pretentious douche 8 times out of 10. It isn't really any more complicated than that, though, like you, I could easily coat this basic message in layers of superfluous garbage in an attempt to sound more intelligent and learned. It's unnecessary and it's grating.
If yall don't like what the man posts than just keep it moving....
no need to go off on him cause you're too lazy to read
I don't know what baffles me more, that I read the entire thing or the fact this guy wrote an entire paper in response to a single sentence.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

DoubleJs07 wrote:
I swear to goodness in my 7+ years here on NT, I've NEVER read anything Rex has posted...

That is your loss, you could have learned some things and sometimes laughed and sometimes had your time wasted due to my not being succinct in too many cases but isn't that what the Internet is mostly about in the first place, wasting time, in one way or another? Does anything, written by anyone that is over ne whole page intimidate you, or just what I write? Are you afraid that you might like or agree with my political views (or worse yet my views on professional basketball) and become less popular as a result, I can understand that fear. I can see why people have libertarian Laker fans, things that historically prove to be winners do garner the wrath of many who would route for the Washington Wizards and Central Planning.

 Was your inability to read worthy of a post? At least my posts have substance, I EARNED my 10,000 posts, way too many people are in the 10,000 club are in it because the number of posts that suck and are just "co-sign" or "lulz" or some emoticon are well "over 9,000." If Vegeta had a scouter to track for crappy free posts, he would probably see it burn out and then crush it with his bare hand.

BTW if it is "battle" between me and Methodman on who can filibuster a thread, it is a tough call, I do not know because we have gone back and forth a number of times and we really wrote a lot of stuff. Unfortunately he is a lot like Barack Obama where he can demand "civility" from others but thinks that he is exempt from such demands. He is like a calvary man from the battle fields of history, he loves to run down the routed, the flanked, the small and the disorganized but present him with an opponent who can stand his ground and he gets frustrated and what could be a very good discussion, a genuine dialogue from two different view points, expressed with two good but different rhetorical styles, devolves into mutual recriminations, personal attacks, petty assertions and other things that are beneath the dignity of either of us. This is not unique to Methodman, I have rhetorically and intellectually stood my ground against a variety of people and more often than not it gets them angry.

Most come from the world of very far left and usually very racial politics as well but some come from the anti-personal freedom, the fascistic right and I have even argued with the handful of fellow libertarians. I have a lot of respect for anyone, no matter what their political views, who can engage me in a discussion of ideas and stay focused on the ideas and not give into the temptation of being rude and disrespectful towards the person. Someone like Cguy or Xot are far left guys but very couteous and I will argue or rather, discuss any number of things with them gladly.

If anyone of you has the patience to read more then paragraph and/or the time and patience and masihistic streak to read through a scores of pages of material, have Cguy and I discuss economic policy and history. If you like robust discussions about ideas, that "battle" would be much more fruitful for those who were to read the back and forth that we can and would have.

BTW, it seems like the definition of a long post has changed in just my time on this board. In 2004, a post with four or five paragraphs was not seen as a "wall of text." In 2004, to have "wall of text," it had to be so much that the text took up the entire screen and would do so as you scrolled down for a long while. In other words, a "wall of text" was actually a wall of text Now, in this era of Twitter and 140 characters or less, anything more than a 100 words is now "TL;DR" in the eyes of the uneducated and/or ADHD and/or Lazy people. or the children of this site.

I am actually glad that some of you guys proudly boast that you do not (and in some cases probably cannot) read my posts, even the ones that are less than page in length. This will come off as elitists but I do not cater to the absolute lowest common denominator and would be embarrassed if every one on NT loved my posts. Just like professional Wrestling tends to get more viewers then a well done PBS documentary about Slavery or about the Holocaust, my post are not written for children or man children who have none of the education, cultural capital and intelligence needed to appreciate some of my more in depth posts. I feel like every dumb, TL;DR gif vindicates how much more advanced I compared to others.

To those who complain about how long my posts are? After all you are under zero pressure to read anything that I write so why do you guys single me out like I am some mean old teacher who forces you to rea I ask you, why do you even say anything or let it bother you, just go past it if it upsets you that much?

There's no need to capitalize and space out paragraphs when you can't even form grammatically correct sentences, though. Half of your writing is made up of either fragments or run-ons
Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

Climaxing. Im talking about that long stroke, feel it in your back creeping to the front, legs give out, oozing for 5 minutes, immediately falling asleep after nut. Them days, are some damn good days.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As far as the very best feeling in the world is concerned,  would still have to rank emptying my testicles onto a pretty 18 year old girl's face after doing a few...

I suppose that some of life's aforemntioned pleasures that involve athleteltic and martial accomplishment do have certain things in common with the greatest pleasure of all, plastering an 18 year old's face with so much of my "essence" that extra is left over after making my euphoric (for me at least) dispersement from the office of my baby makers. While an Austrian Psycholgist can work out the fact that my favorite sexual act time is similar to all of my very favorite, non sexual pa. st timesThe fact that all of those past times happen to be competitive and are usually violent, usually involve dominating someone or something else and some times they involve an heirloom that is exclusively male and is associated with passage into manhood, are all enough for a phsyco analyists busy for quite some time...

BTW, sorry for the long rant, it was hard to write it but after you read it you will have a surfeit of lulz oozing down your faces.

I agree, a lot of my feelings I have deal with competition too. Why so serious about to length? Don't read it if you think its to long, plus he apologize for the length to begin with. 
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