Best Ice Pack Ever Vol. Ankle Insurance

Apr 11, 2002
I was playing a couple pick up games like any past his prime baller, and went from playing 0 times a week to 4 times a week. My knees started to swell and I ignored it and after three weeks I could barely flex my knees.

Anyway, after some treatment, my chiropractor recommended the best recipe for an ice pack ever.

Here's what you need:

1) Larger zip loc bag with slide closure (larger so they ice water can move around and the slide closure so that it won't leak when its on your knee/ankle)

2)Bottle of rubbing alcohol

3)Tap water

Empty 1/4th of the bottle rubbing alcohol into the ziploc bag. Ratio should be 1 part alcohol to 4 parts water.
This should fill the bag almost 1/5th. Then fill the rest of the bag with tap water until the bag is 75-80% full. You want a little room for the water to move around.

Shake up the bag a little and then put it in the freezer for a few hours.

When you take the bag out later, you will have a slush like ice pack that is as cold as ice (yes, Rick James) but its not stiff and frozen. This way you can manipulate it and ace wrap it around your knee or ankle to fit perfectly and it won't be at any awkward angle like regular ice.

Finished product:


And it only costs a few bucks. Enjoy.
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Good looks.

I'm definitely gonna try this.

Sidenote, what's the best ankle brace to use for basketball?
Thanks for the tip. I recently got back into playing ball and I've had to ice my knee after games. Will definitely try this.
im at that age (28) where i need to start icing after pick up gms. SMH
seems like a great idea... ill try this on my next sprained ankle being that im finally recovering after spraining it 2 weeks ago...just keep in mind when you ice any part of your body you can only do it for 30 minutes at a time or when your body feels numb... you dont want to damage your nerves
this. im about to do this right now :nerd:

edit; its been 5 hours and my bag is still water, no slush. will keep updating.

Even if its not slush, it will be just as cold and you can use it.
I just realized I had the small bottle of alcohol, you guys might have the big bottle. Try using like 10% alcohol and 90% water and see how it goes.
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Even if its not slush, it will be just as cold and you can use it.
I just realized I had the small bottle of alcohol, you guys might have the big bottle. Try using like 10% alcohol and 90% water and see how it goes.

what size is your bottle?
the thing is that its too watery and once i put pressure on it (ex: icing my calf) the bag feels like its about to burst. i'll try it again with a different ratio of water to alcohol
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