Best Way To Become A Morning Person?

Oct 23, 2004
I am sick of feeling terrible every time I have to wake up before noon. I never want to wake up and I stay fatigued throughout the day if I'm not on Adderall (I have a prescription but only take it maybe 10 days out of the month). I know my sleeping patterns are pretty bad (sleeping at 4-5am on the regular), but even when I try sleeping at normal times, it doesn't really help. Does anyone have any suggestions like foods to eat, multi vitamins you may take or other habits you guys might have to help this issue? 
What worked for me was.

- Sleeping Early, like around 10pm max. more on the weekends. ( It will be wierd at first but this goes away quick.)
- As soon as I wake up I go to the gym. ( I wake up early, around 5AM and workout for an 1hr and half., makes the day feel better for me)
-Eat healthy, I'm on a keto diet now and it helps me a lot with how I feel throughout the day.

To change my sleeping pattern I bought some melatonin at a pharmacy. This will help your body adjust to your new sleeping time.
First few days you'll be adjusting yourself so you'll have to force yourself to go on with your day, but this is where the gym helps. You'll feel energized right after.

I also used to go to sleep extremely late and woke up around noon, that careless lifestyle sucks, you'll realize more when you find out how much better it can be.
If you go to sleep at 4-5 of course you're going to be tired.

You need to start going at a regular time - certainly before 12. I don't think there's a shortcut - you'll just have to do it and you will feel bad for a few days but it should sort itself out.
your first prob is the Adderall- you are supposed to take them in the same pattern...when you dont you will feel more fatigued and sluggish

your basically throwing your body way off by picking and choosing times to take it...what did your doctor prescribe?
I was trying to change my sleep patterns myself. I found that if you practice setting your alarm, getting in your bed and jumping out of your bed 10x as soon as your alarm goes off any free time you have during your day for a couple days straight you program your body to automatically wake up no matter what time it is because your trigger is the sound of the alarm.

I read it was the best way to reset your sleep patters, but on the other side of this is the argument that you should let your body wake up naturally when it wants to...but that can be hard since I take atleast an extra hour to wake up fully after initially realizing that i'm up.
Actually some solid answers in here.

I have to be up at 5 and out the door by 530 each day to get to work.  I have been doing it for about 2 years now.  Shower helps.  I eat breakfast at work to save time.  I try to get to bed by 10 every night but that is hard to do.

My advice is be active.  My gym isn't open early enough to go before work so i go after.  If i skip the gym i seem to have a lot of energy and can't get to sleep.  So even if you don't work out do things during the day to tire yourself out.  It will make going to bed early-*$* a lot easier.
same answer as most other people. Exercise regularly, eat right, go to bed early, also I try and do fun things so Im forced to be in a good mood. like listen to funny radio shows, or sports talk. Maybe play a few minutes of xbox live. Try and do stuff that you find enjoyable in the morning. But mainly sleep helps
These are basically all you can do, bruh. And its gonna hurt. But if its necessary, you'll get the hang of it fast enough. The main one, I would guess, would be to not change your sleep pattern BACK to the bad, AFTER you've done good. Its easy to undo months of work with a couple of 4 hour sleep nights in a row.
up @ 4 am every morning...been doing this for over a year.

I just would start waking up at what ever time you want to be up by.

Eventually you get tired as the andweek goes on I found my self going to sleep earlier. Now im usually passed out by 9:30 pm at the latest.
it's something you're molded into from childhood. through life experiences and such. sure any day is the day you can change your life. but psychological choices such as whether you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed or grime are about as difficult to adjust as accents. of course anything can be adjusted over time. but the 'morning person' effect, if more of a personality trait, over just lack of sleep.
get into a routine..go to bed earlier each night, wakeup earlier each morning, little by little
try to get in a routine.

go to bed around 10-11 and you'll be up around 6-7 without thinking about it.

seriously i do more !+* before 8am than anyone i know
Maybe you got this thing called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". i had it freshman year of college and it really screwed me up. i ended up getting dismissed. You could sleep like 12hours, wake up and feel like you slept 4.
The best way to become a morning person, is to stop being a night dweller.
7-8 hours of sleep.
Working out.
Better diet before bed and eating a hearty breakfast.
Showering in the morning also helps too.
-Showering helps
-Give yourself some extra time so you don't rush in the morning (You'll be less stressed out)
-Breakfast to give you some energy
Def not a morning person either, but have no problem waking up early for school or work. I enjoy sleeping till 1-2 PM.
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