Billboard In Lima, Peru Creates Drinking Water Out Of Thin Air

pretty cool
Very cool. What's even more cool is the people are getting purified water. Hat's off to the creators of the billboard for helping people in need. :smokin
Is this pretty much how water condenses on the outside of a cold glass and they added technology and took it to the next level x 10.

I know I seen something like this on pimp rides (LOL) on a smaller level.
 kid already feel entitled to the water wasting it

very innovative

:lol: yeah I saw that and laughed a little. you go how long without clean water and the first thing you do is dump a whole bucket on your head? his parents probably slapped him on the back of his head
It's moments like these that make me happy and sad all at once.

I'm happy because I see technology being put to use for the greater good of society.

I'm sad because I know that corporate greed in the US will never allow this to happen.
Engineering :smokin :smokin

Maybe some of these huge companies could help and build these for free in developing areas as well
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