Black Culture Discussion Thread

LGBT is less than 10% of the population, but politicians speak DIRECTLY to them all the time. Speaking directly to a specifc group doesn't mean you're pushing aside or ignoring others.
Not true.

The LGBT issues may or may not come up depending on the audience in front of candidates.

You guys need to realize that code switching is part of the arsenal of successful politicians. What they say on the campaign trail depends on their audience, and they are very aware of who listens and who watches the shows they choose to appear on.

What matters to me, and what I think should matter to people is to know the policies they actually supported during their legislative term(s) and the policies they implemented during their executive term(s) (if any). It is the only way you can reasonably judge where they stand on issues.
Bruh, of course we not saying a candidate ONLY run for a black agenda. Obama didn't only run for gay rights but did stuff specifically for them.

Native Americans have been given things specifically to them. Cops can't even police on certain native american reservations.

Us being only 13% of the population ain't a good excuse. Cuz it didn't stop them from targeting that percentage for mass incarceration and a long list of other things.

I didn't mention anything in regards to who I'm voting for. I simply said he was splainin. Which he was because he was doing his best to answer by not answering. I also said I get it .

It's nothing for you to get because you're tryna argue something I never mentioned. We have more sense to not expect a candidate to run on a black only agenda. And I never said the candidate had to be black. I will vote for whoever has the best solutions and policies.

Also we want direct solutions like other demographics get. Plain and simple. Umbrella policies are fine. I have no issues with it . But that's an agenda to market to the country as a whole. We still require specific solutions just like Hispanics, gay people, etc.

In regards to Booker, he did his best splainin but basically told is that a black agenda is not on his mind. Yes all of our problems are Americas problems. That doesn't clear him of not having any suggestions directly for us.

Nah. Like I said I'm not voting for somebody using that Obama game.

"He's Americas president, not black people"

Well the reality is Obama was everybody's president except black folks.

It's like _'s are scared to offend other groups so we fall for this "we're all americans" nonsense. No, these other groups don't include us when they ask for specific things. Lations, LGBT, asians, arabs. All look out for themselves. These other groups have not been targeted throughout history like us, we have a unique situation.

LGBT is less than 10% of the population, but politicians speak DIRECTLY to them all the time. Speaking directly to a specifc group doesn't mean you're pushing aside or ignoring others.

Exactly. It seems like black politicians are afraid hecause they will be labeled as doing that. Not even saying it's a deal breaker on me voting for him. I still may or may not. It's just a letdown when a black man who is cognizant of our situation dances around the question like that.

just curious, what presidential candidate has run a campaign based on to lgbtq/native americans/asians/hispanics/arabs/etc. issues? and what are/were these specific issues? every political candidate has to craft their message to the audience in ways both general & specific...and most people rarely get full exposure to both.
I don't even disagree with ya'll, but when it comes down to the wire again don't let altruism and semantics allow negative decisions that will affect generations like all the old, white male judges being confirmed.
Why bother trying to explain it.

Some dudes will never look into how his policies would help black folk because he didn't explicitly say "this for black folk y'all"

I kinda wish Obama or Booker would debate a Tariq type. When we can see how ignorant people like him are on policy

Obama's banking regulations save poor black folk probably millions. If we got a full Medicaid expansion it would have been one of the biggest civil rights victories since the the Voting Rights Act. Ask a Tariq type why we didn't get it, or why the Voting Rights Act is also under attack, he would have no clue. But let us listen to these people and base our votes on soundbits not policy. Yep, great idea.

Like Booker has baby bonds, the most progressive stance on criminal justice reform than most people in government, believes in universal healthcare, fair housing, and his most recent high profile bill he pushed was an infrastructure bill for black people in the rural south to get basic plumbing. Famb was a legit activist back in the day. Dude is far from perfect but if someone really thinks someone like Booker is not out to help black people, they are not paying attention.
It's like what do dudes want them to say, i'm going to make things better for people in these communities, ie healthcare, infrastructure, education, job opportunities, but ONLY the black people in these communities. To say Obama never did anything for black people is a lie, actually he address just about every single mainstream 'black' issue.
Would a system where candidates listed out their ideal policies and e-mailed/mailed that to all eligible voters work better?

No campaigning and running on people's emotions, no charisma-influenced voting, just pure policies and consequences of policies to vote for
Y’all forget that lbgt community is the percent that’s out the closet
No telling how many in the closet
And would vote for a candidate that’s looking out for them
Remember that downlow percent probably waaaaay higher

Yeah these ain't specifics.

This is another reason why politicians don't do things specifically for black folks. Too many _'s are comfortable with being grouped in with other groups. Dudes will argue against getting specifics for them and their own people. **** is crazy thinking.
Would a system where candidates listed out their ideal policies and e-mailed/mailed that to all eligible voters work better?

No campaigning and running on people's emotions, no charisma-influenced voting, just pure policies and consequences of policies to vote for

Too much news entertainment business involved in politics to go to something this direct.

Average person nowadays thinks having their political views spoon-fed to them from 3 sources makes them educated on politics.
Too much news entertainment business involved in politics to go to something this direct.

Average person nowadays thinks having their political views spoon-fed to them from 3 sources makes them educated on politics.
Doesn't that mean theoretically only the most informed people will be voting? Assumign those who never read it don't vote
Yeah these ain't specifics.

This is another reason why politicians don't do things specifically for black folks. Too many _'s are comfortable with being grouped in with other groups. Dudes will argue against getting specifics for them and their own people. **** is crazy thinking.

I know it's not an easy question to answer but what are you looking for in a potential candidate?

Nobody is arguing against getting specifics, people are saying you are overlooking how much the "broad" statement and promises are going to be benefiting black people
Doesn't that mean theoretically only the most informed people will be voting? Assumign those who never read it don't vote

The opposite.
People only get informed on issues when something goes viral.
Rest are just talking points in bitesize nuggets.
Yeah these ain't specifics.

This is another reason why politicians don't do things specifically for black folks. Too many _'s are comfortable with being grouped in with other groups. Dudes will argue against getting specifics for them and their own people. **** is crazy thinking.
Give detail examples of the specifics you are looking for.
We can start with land restitution. The country took resources from us through slavery and later on violently after we got our own.

State sanctioned violence against black people. Cops in this country have a greenlight to do whatever they wont, make up a lie and get off.
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