Black Culture Discussion Thread

Sports are great, but it has been used as a crutch at times to 'save' black boys and do much more damage than intended. I'm a boxing coach and work with little league teams in the off-season for their conditioning and see plenty of kids and parents try to train themselves into commodities. I love sports but we definitely have an issue when it comes to our self-image in relation to it, especially as it pertains to boys and men.

Also, all people are emotional beings, by virtue of having emotions. We're socially engineered to suppress certain emotions over others because of social stigmas and engineering but the evidence of our emotional tolls are all around us. Men are the drivers of over %98 of all mass shootings, %90 of both victims and perpetrators of gun homicides and over 80% of gun suicides-- it takes a whole lot of emotion to do either of those acts, yet women aren't doing them at even remotely the same rate despite being seen as less 'logical.'

There's a wave of more people asking boys and men to engage with their emotions so that they are more competent in assessing and dealing with them, which I think is the opposite of encouraging emotional outburst? If I'm following that convo correctly, I think that's a good thing

That’s the point. These overly “emotional” men are the ones causing this mayhem. Why? Because they’re TOOO emotional and don’t know how to channel their emotions.

Being an emotional male is not a good thing. We can agree to disagree. The emotional women? They may not be “shooting up” the place but women get arrest for violent crimes, abusing their kids, shooting or stabbing spouses. They commit acts of violent and assault as well.

Y’all can keep raising these emotional boys all you want. That’s on you all.

Sports is not just an OUTLET. It’s an extracurricular activity just like studying an assignment, working on a car, mowing the lawn, class assignment, etc. it’s one of the best tools for teaching social skills, punctuality, commitment, dedication, and teamwork.

You guys have to stop letting modern society and the internet dictate what’s correct, and what’s incorrect.

There’s literally a teaching and staffing shortage across the nation. Why? Because these kids are terrible and a lot of educators don’t want to waste their time with these disrespectful kids.

But hey, raise boys to be emotional and unaccountable, young girls as well, and sports are negative because of “some” helicopter parents? Who want to live vicariously through their kids? Those are outliers. Or maybe they just want the best for their children and for them to learn values.

People don’t want to be teachers or educators anymore…. Which is a direct reflection on bad kids and terrible parenting

Look at the very first comment.

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You guys have to stop letting modern society and the internet dictate what’s correct, and what’s incorrect.

I can't emphasize this enough, especially when it comes to the black community. As our community has become even more integrated in society & educated at these white institutions, these newer generations are full on being strangled by European ideologies & trying to integrate them with black american culture & it is splintering the community to new heights.

And this is how we get these "BLM" type "leaders"
I can't emphasize this enough, especially when it comes to the black community. As our community has become even more integrated in society & educated at these white institutions, these newer generations are full on being strangled by European ideologies & trying to integrate them with black american culture & it is splintering the community to new heights.

And this is how we get these "BLM" type "leaders"

Well said bro. Like my folks say, “there’s plenty ways to skin a cat”. People have tried to nuance there way into explaining stuff that’s basic common sense. Everything isn’t as complicated as it needs to be. Everything doesn’t need a podcast or a roundtable of people (who usually don’t know much to began with).

To much internet, to much technology has really fried the brains of these adults. People like to talk about kids and their usage of tech and their need to disconnect and recalibrate. The adults are worse.

We’re really discussing that sports are bad and holding kids accountable and teaching them how to handle life situations and emotions…. is bad? Like life is hard. The coddling of society is the reason things are going haywire right now.
That’s the point. These overly “emotional” men are the ones causing this mayhem. Why? Because they’re TOOO emotional and don’t know how to channel their emotions.

Being an emotional male is not a good thing. We can agree to disagree. The emotional women? They may not be “shooting up” the place but women get arrest for violent crimes, abusing their kids, shooting or stabbing spouses. They commit acts of violent and assault as well.

Y’all can keep raising these emotional boys all you want. That’s on you all.

Sports is not just an OUTLET. It’s an extracurricular activity just like studying an assignment, working on a car, mowing the lawn, class assignment, etc. it’s one of the best tools for teaching social skills, punctuality, commitment, dedication, and teamwork.

You guys have to stop letting modern society and the internet dictate what’s correct, and what’s incorrect.

There’s literally a teaching and staffing shortage across the nation. Why? Because these kids are terrible and a lot of educators don’t want to waste their time with these disrespectful kids.

But hey, raise boys to be emotional and unaccountable, young girls as well, and sports are negative because of “some” helicopter parents? Who want to live vicariously through their kids? Those are outliers. Or maybe they just want the best for their children and for them to learn values.

People don’t want to be teachers or educators anymore…. Which is a direct reflection on bad kids and terrible parenting

Look at the very first comment.


My point is that we're all emotional beings, we don't have a choice. Our choice is whether we will confront our emotions or hide from them-- and way too many men are content with hiding. Women get arrested for violent crime too, yes, but they're not even 10% of domestic violence or physical assault cases. The Logical men are the overwhelming majority in that category. We have a problem and we need to address it.

You think that being emotional= not able to manage your emotions, which is a sexist way to define the term as it is currently only being contributed to women. We're all emotional because we're human and my point is that you can be fully able to express your emotions and manage them; which is my personal goal with every young person I encounter. Woman and girls have modeled being both capable adults and great students who can both express their emotions and manage them-- why can't we hope for the same for our boys?

I never said that sports were negative, I engaged with sports as a kid and I'm currently a coach; I know there's benefits and see it just about every other day. There's way too many kids letting their production in sports become their identity-- I never said that it was negative, just that we should watch how we promote these sports to our young men. You're arguing with a narrative that you believe exist on the internet and not with anything I just said, from what I take.

You're also talking to a former educator. I only did a short 4-year stint and I loved my job, but I left because of the callousness of administration, not the kids or the pay. Schools are an entirely different subject with its own set of problems, but it would be %200+ percent better if more boys had better emotional maturity and their parents supported their education just as hard as they did sports.
My point is that we're all emotional beings, we don't have a choice. Our choice is whether we will confront our emotions or hide from them-- and way too many men are content with hiding. Women get arrested for violent crime too, yes, but they're not even 10% of domestic violence or physical assault cases. The Logical men are the overwhelming majority in that category. We have a problem and we need to address it.

You think that being emotional= not able to manage your emotions, which is a sexist way to define the term as it is currently only being contributed to women. We're all emotional because we're human and my point is that you can be fully able to express your emotions and manage them; which is my personal goal with every young person I encounter. Woman and girls have modeled being both capable adults and great students who can both express their emotions and manage them-- why can't we hope for the same for our boys?

I never said that sports were negative, I engaged with sports as a kid and I'm currently a coach; I know there's benefits and see it just about every other day. There's way too many kids letting their production in sports become their identity-- I never said that it was negative, just that we should watch how we promote these sports to our young men. You're arguing with a narrative that you believe exist on the internet and not with anything I just said, from what I take.

You're also talking to a former educator. I only did a short 4-year stint and I loved my job, but I left because of the callousness of administration, not the kids or the pay. Schools are an entirely different subject with its own set of problems, but it would be %200+ percent better if more boys had better emotional maturity and their parents supported their education just as hard as they did sports.

A lot of men aren’t hiding emotions. They just don’t CARE. Some people don’t care about peoples opinions about them or get caught up in emotions. Because they KNOW life is hard. They KNOW everyday isn’t going to be a good. That’s not hiding. That’s just being grown, being mature.

Not every human being is emotional. That’s false. Again, emotions and being emotional are two completely different things. People call me emotionless and aloof all the time, and it’s quite agitating.

I’m unemotional yet, I have a clean record across the board. Never been arrested, I don’t smoke, don’t drink. I have great social skills but, I also know when to be alone.

Overly emotional people are dangerous. Simple as that. One thing upsets them, and they want to demolish the whole world. That is not a good thing.
A lot of men aren’t hiding emotions. They just don’t CARE. Some people don’t care about peoples opinions about them or get caught up in emotions. Because they KNOW life is hard. They KNOW everyday isn’t going to be a good. That’s not hiding. That’s just being grown, being mature.

Not every human being is emotional. That’s false. Again, emotions and being emotional are two completely different things. People call me emotionless and aloof all the time, and it’s quite agitating.

I’m unemotional yet, I have a clean record across the board. Never been arrested, I don’t smoke, don’t drink. I have great social skills but, I also know when to be alone.

Overly emotional people are dangerous. Simple as that. One thing upsets them, and they want to demolish the whole world. That is not a good thing.
Women= emotional, but not dangerous?

Men=logical, but inherently dangerous?

Or are Women logical and Men emotional, which is why we are where we are?
Women= emotional, but not dangerous?

Men=logical, but inherently dangerous?

Or are Women logical and Men emotional, which is why we are where we are?

Who said women aren’t dangerous? They’re dangerous too
I said emotional men are dangerous. I literally have a cousin serving a prison sentence why… because he’s EMOTIONAL. I’ve told him time and time again.

The world doesn’t care about your emotions. Bottom line is, no one persons needs take precedent over the other. The world isn’t for the weak. It’s just a fact.

It’s a crutch
Sports are great, but it has been used as a crutch at times to 'save' black boys and do much more damage than intended. I'm a boxing coach and work with little league teams in the off-season for their conditioning and see plenty of kids and parents try to train themselves into commodities. I love sports but we definitely have an issue when it comes to our self-image in relation to it, especially as it pertains to boys and men.

Also, all people are emotional beings, by virtue of having emotions. We're socially engineered to suppress certain emotions over others because of social stigmas and engineering but the evidence of our emotional tolls are all around us. Men are the drivers of over %98 of all mass shootings, %90 of both victims and perpetrators of gun homicides and over 80% of gun suicides-- it takes a whole lot of emotion to do either of those acts, yet women aren't doing them at even remotely the same rate despite being seen as less 'logical.'

There's a wave of more people asking boys and men to engage with their emotions so that they are more competent in assessing and dealing with them, which I think is the opposite of encouraging emotional outburst? If I'm following that convo correctly, I think that's a good thing
Agree, there’s too much an emphasis on sports being the means to making it out of poverty by becoming a pro versus actually just taking lessons from it for becoming a well rounded kid.

And 1000% agree on the “emotional” talk. We’re all emotional. Generations of men not knowing how to emotionally regulate, healthily express and deal with their emotions is a chief cause of so much violent, be it sexual and physical in the world today. This isn’t a younger generation problem this is as old as time.
That’s the point. These overly “emotional” men are the ones causing this mayhem. Why? Because they’re TOOO emotional and don’t know how to channel their emotions.
I think you’re conflating being “too emotional” with not knowing how to deal with emotions, not knowing how to be emotionally expressive and not knowing how to emotionally regulate. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a man being emotional. Dudes literally have been enacting violence against each other for centuries because of the same issues.
A lot of men aren’t hiding emotions. They just don’t CARE. Some people don’t care about peoples opinions about them or get caught up in emotions. Because they KNOW life is hard. They KNOW everyday isn’t going to be a good. That’s not hiding. That’s just being grown, being mature.

Not every human being is emotional. That’s false. Again, emotions and being emotional are two completely different things. People call me emotionless and aloof all the time, and it’s quite agitating.

I’m unemotional yet, I have a clean record across the board. Never been arrested, I don’t smoke, don’t drink. I have great social skills but, I also know when to be alone.

Overly emotional people are dangerous. Simple as that. One thing upsets them, and they want to demolish the whole world. That is not a good thing.
Dog, you’re a human being not a robot. You’re not unemotional. It’s literally a part of the human condition to have emotions. You’ve been conditioned to suppress your emotions or invalidate your own feelings, like a lot of us have been taught or learned as a means of survival — that’s just the truth.
Dog, you’re a human being not a robot. You’re not unemotional. It’s literally a part of the human condition to have emotions. You’ve been conditioned to suppress your emotions or invalidate your own feelings, like a lot of us have been taught or learned as a means of survival — that’s just the truth.

I turned out perfectly fine…. So it’s not the truth. I’m not a drug addict, a felon, not a drunkard, I’m not perfect but somehow, I turned out perfectly fine despite what you all said. It’s not about being “robotic” a lot of people just use it as a crutch and it’s aggravating

Finding a common balance or that “sweet spot” is what we all seek. It’s the extreme s. Some people don’t need to regulate their emotions, others do. And that’s perfectly fine.
I turned out perfectly fine…. So it’s not the truth. I’m not a drug addict, a felon, not a drunkard, I’m not perfect but somehow, I turned out perfectly fine despite what you all said. It’s not about being “robotic” a lot of people just use it as a crutch and it’s aggravating
I don’t think that “turning out fine” makes anything that I said not true. You have emotions. And not acknowledging or knowing how to deal with your emotions can harm you in more ways than just not be an addict or felon :lol:. It doesn’t have to be the most extreme ways that it shows up. Showing kids, especially young Black boys how to healthily deal with their emotions is way more beneficial than telling them that women are emotional and men are not. That doesn’t help them at all.

I agree with hip hop doing damage but the black Wall Street thing never gon happen in this country long as white folks in charge…Anytime we get something going they step on it or our ppl sell it out to them, it’s like clockwork

And We really gotta start looking at hip hop as our main “culture” its is a big business and the ppl involved gon act accordingly, they don’t care or have a responsibility to everybody else
While i'm in here has anybody noticed the correlation between black people obsessed with Anime & Borderline self hate, 90% of the time i see a black person saying some wild **** online an Anime avi or a septum ring is there. It's almost a science at this point :lol: ,

& like i have stated in the past i truly & genuinely believe that there are several accounts who's sole purpose is to create separation in the black community

Since we were speaking about emotions i'll say this my emotions want to say this isn't true..... logically man idkkkkkkkkkkk

The formative years without a doubt were a positive & saved hell of lives, once we crossed over to capitalism over >>>> and constant glorification of Violence, Sexualization, European Brands, Drug/alcohol abuse it's hard to argue for it

Yes tens of thousands got "rich" income was provided for those why may have not gotten that opportunity everywhere else, i fully embrace that. But hundreds of thousands minds were steered towards degenerate thinking in an environment that was already crafted for them to fail.

We see the negative results at an all time high right now
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